This repo contains the source code in my personal column (, implemented using Python 3.6. Including Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision projects, such as text generation, machine translation, deep convolution GAN and other actual combat code.
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关于seq2seq machine translation的validation问题 #32

Open kewen119 opened 5 years ago

kewen119 commented 5 years ago

非常感谢您的无私,我就想请教下为什么在seq2seq machine translation项目里训练阶段没有计算validation loss?如果要做,应该怎么实现呢?谢谢大神

Ouya-Bytes commented 5 years ago

同问,发现好几个类似project都只有训练和测试,并没有实现边训练边验证的功能,自己尝试撸了一下,想在一定epoch内计算validation loss,但是好像不能同时复用训练和验证的op。