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"Mob programming for research" #32

Closed metazool closed 6 days ago

metazool commented 1 month ago

Initial draft overview of mob programming for research, based on experiences of how it's worked in past practise.

I'm happy to expand any parts that are too brief, or overviewy, and it's a bit opinionated!

Part of #29

jmarshrossney commented 1 month ago

I mean I really enjoyed reading this - took 2 minutes and I learned something which is ususual for me!

I don't have any suggestions to modify this document, but maybe a thought for down the line: we could make a short blog post, perhaps starting with this brief introduction, that takes the reader through a mob programming session (could be one of our plankton ones). The target audience would be scientists at UKCEH or elsewhere working on some shared code (e.g. an analysis script). We could describe our setup, our roles, what we actually did (some screenshots and quotes from e.g. a Teams transcript) and some 'things we learned' about what went well and what pitfalls to avoid. Make it short and easy to read and it might be the kind of thing that just gets shared in a quick meeting as a "wanna try this tomorrow afternoon" kind of thing.

metazool commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the incredibly detailed review @longr and for the suggested improvements @mattjbr123 - I've added a set of commits to address them

metazool commented 2 weeks ago

@mattjbr123 could i trouble you for an Approve on this now comments are addressed? I'm spending a chunk of today stocktaking of this repo, write more bridging material and add some publishing pipelines, as a displacement activity from actually working on the RSECon talk for next week...

mattjbr123 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for writing this @metazool I'd like to come along to one of the mob prog sessions you and @albags run sometime, to really get a feel for it