NERDDISCO / luminave

Operate all the lights with your web browser and create stunning visual experiences.
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Interaction with Thorium #100

Closed TimPietrusky closed 5 years ago

TimPietrusky commented 5 years ago

Right now we can use luminave-thorium / luminave-server to interact with Thorium.

One light can only display one color

In one simulator there are three different types of light: Red, Blue & White. These lights can only display the specified light. When ever Thorium sends a color, we have to know which light should be turned on:


RGB lights that can display every color

In new simulators we can have RGB compatible lights that can display any color. When ever Thoriumd sends a color, we can handle it like this:


TimPietrusky commented 5 years ago

The integration is done, if something is not working, please open a new issue.