NERDDISCO / luminave

Operate all the lights with your web browser and create stunning visual experiences.
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Advanced Thorium Light Installations: Hyperion #110

Open TimPietrusky opened 4 years ago

TimPietrusky commented 4 years ago


The following two scenarios describe advanced usage of luminave in a Thorium environment based on E-Mail feedback for the Hyperion space ship simulator.

Debugging for lights

The problem we are having is that first off, some of our lights seem to be responding differently to the commands for blue, red, etc. Some of them turn the right color, others don't. So, figuring out a way to trouble shoot that would be great.


Alert levels

On the different alert conditions, rather than having all of our lights go red, it would be nice to be able to set each on up as a certain scene. So, for example, in our condition 4 with the way we have it, some of our lights are dark blue and some are purple. In Condition 3, all are yellow, but in condition two some are yellow and some are red. So, we have a mixture. Is there a way to set up the alert conditions so that it activates a specific scene for lights, rather than have them all the same color?

Condition 4

2 lights = dark blue 6 lights = purple

Condition 3

8 lights = yellow

Condition 2

4 lights = yellow 4 lights = red
