NERSC / shifter

Shifter - Linux Containers for HPC
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Feature suggestiong: change RPATH to RUNPATH for Anaconda #287

Closed JBlaschke closed 3 years ago

JBlaschke commented 3 years ago

Hi all y'all

this is something that I noticed a few months ago (@dmjacobsen and @scanon might remember a conversation or two slack), and I have iterated since:

I'm trying to find a solution to the following (related) problems:

  1. mpi4py installed in anaconda will not pick up the system's -- even if it depends on the same version
  2. If system libraries (eg. are a different version than those installed by anaconda, we see warnings of version mismatches (this can fill up stderr).

The current documented solution is to build libraries "by hand" (eg But this can be a bit tedious: if conda packages depend on, then conda will keep trying to install it. I'm not saying that this doesn't work -- it's just a bit annoying.

So I want to find a way to get conda to not "override" libraries in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Anaconda packages are built using RPATHs which has higher precedence than the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I wrote a wee tool that will patch all RPATHs to RUNPATHs here:

I add the following to the Dockerfile:

python /img/conda.local/util/ /path/to/miniconda3/lib

So far, I've not found any application where this doesn't work. So is there a way to add this step to the image conversion step in shifter? Let me know what you need from me :)

scanon commented 3 years ago

We prefer not to do any content manipulation without the user choosing it. Maybe this is best handled by adding some docs on the NERSC site.

JBlaschke commented 3 years ago

Thanks @scanon -- that makes sense. I'll reach out to you over slack about how best to distribute the