NERSC / shifter

Shifter - Linux Containers for HPC
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LD_LIBRARY_PATH wiped #316

Closed joezuntz closed 2 years ago

joezuntz commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

Is it no longer possible to specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH in an image in the Cori version of shifter?

Previously I had LD_LIBRARY_PATH set inside my image (using ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/loca'/lib in a Dockerfile), and it used to work, but it now seems that the variable is cleared on NERSC.

It shows up fine in the same image on Docker:

#On Cori:
zuntz@cori08:~> shifterimg pull joezuntz/txpipe
2022-01-13T07:32:18 Pulling Image: docker:joezuntz/txpipe, status: READY
zuntz@cori08:~> shifter --image joezuntz/txpipe bash
zuntz@cori08:~$ echo $LD_LIRBARY_PATH


# On my local machine
lsst/TXPipe> docker pull joezuntz/txpipe
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from joezuntz/txpipe
Digest: sha256:218072a0a53782f0a6131de9d981aa9bc282b5f422d94598dcaee91f6eb04952
Status: Image is up to date for joezuntz/txpipe:latest
lsst/TXPipe> docker run --rm -it joezuntz/txpipe bash
(base) root@bcea185291ae:/# echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH/

If this is intended is there some way around it?


joezuntz commented 2 years ago

Apologies - this was user error, for some reason I was still seeing the wrong image.