NESCent / r-popgen-hackathon

Population Genetics Hackathon, to be held at NESCent on March 16-20, 2015
18 stars 2 forks source link

Which software should everyone have installed prior to arrival? #5

Open hlapp opened 9 years ago

hlapp commented 9 years ago

Software installations can take a lot of valuable time out of the event. However, exactly which software each one of us will need will depend to some extent on what we end up working on, and few people are a fan of installing everything. Which pieces of software can we anticipate as being needed by almost everyone no matter what they will end up working on, and that we therefore set as the minimum "equipment" that everyone should arrive with? I started a list on the wiki here:

Please review, edit, and add! And take a moment in advance of arrival to install those pieces.

zkamvar commented 9 years ago

As many of the contributed packages use compiled code, it would probably be beneficial for everyone to have a C compiler installed. I have added this to the wiki.

thibautjombart commented 9 years ago

I also added knitr and latex.