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MCBSTM32F400 compilation with GCC and networking #282

Open josesimoes opened 9 years ago

josesimoes commented 9 years ago

Hi, Could someone please confirm that the MCBSTM32F400 solution should compile with GCC?

I'm working on adding network support for the Discovery board and was using the MCBSTM32F400 for validation. It turns out that I'm getting a bunch of errors (all SSL related) when compiling MCBSTM32F400. So right now I'm trying to determine if I have something wrong with the SSL and/or LWIP folders structure, or if MCBSTM32F400 doesn't compile with GCC at all.


smaillet-ms commented 9 years ago

The non-networking project was known to build with GCC, however the networking variant was not built or tested with GCC (and likely needs more work as the C-runtime and startup code would need to be adapted to support the different compiler runtime and the underlying RTOS)

josesimoes commented 9 years ago

Thanks Steve. That is correct. I confirm that the NONET variant can be build with GCC.

josesimoes commented 9 years ago

Kind of resolved... I would say that it would be very interesting to have a NETMF solution network capable that can be compiled with GCC. :neutral_face:

smaillet-ms commented 9 years ago

The original question was resolved. Adding GCC support for the Networked variant is a new feature. :wink: (We can tackle that in the V4.5 release time unless someone else has a working Pull request they wish to offer)

josesimoes commented 9 years ago

@cw2 - I was wondering if you were able to successfully build the NONET variant of the MCBSTM32F400 solution with GCC...

cw2 commented 9 years ago

Yes, NONET variant compiles fine with GCC (4.9.3) - but that you already know...

josesimoes commented 9 years ago

@cw2 you are correct, obviously... I meant to ask if you were able to build the network variant... :blush: my bad!

cw2 commented 9 years ago

Nope, there is some problem with OpenSSL - for reasons unknown, the crypto_openssl.lib built with GCC is missing most of its contents (when compared to MDK build), so there are unresolved symbols in link phase.

josesimoes commented 9 years ago

@cw2 - That's what suspected from looking into the error messages.

I also tried with the Discovery4 board by cloning the RTX stuff from the MCBSTM32F400 solution and setting SSL to false (in the solution project). With this all the OpenSSL errors were gone but the board doesn't boot... Only the tinybooter. I'm trying to figure out where is the problem. If it's the assembler files or some configuration that is missing. The configuration path it's rather convoluted because it jumps and calls functions from the STM32F4 boot loader, solution unit, RTX config, etc. And it seems to require a couple of extra steps with GCC.

smaillet-ms commented 9 years ago

It's all the C/C++ runtime startup. It's different for GCC=Newlib or nanolib so the startup assembly code needs to be adjusted along with the C++ code. That hasn't been done for GCC+RTX for the networking.

josesimoes commented 9 years ago

@smaillet-ms - Understood. Let me ask you this: is that something that your team is planning to address or you'll be waiting for a contribution from the community?

smaillet-ms commented 9 years ago

It's something we'd like to see completed but not something we are presently working on. We've got finalizing4.4 and planning how we'll integrate mBed 3.0 into v4.5 taking a higher priority. If you want to take it on - assign this issue to yourself and go for it!

josesimoes commented 8 years ago

I've been pulling my hair with this for the last week and I'm not getting anywhere. Need a "know good build" to try compare the generated assembly. Can someone please make available the tinyclr_scatterfile.ldf, and tinyclr.axfdump files of a MDK build to compare with the GCC generated ones?


josesimoes commented 8 years ago

@smaillet-ms could you please send me/make available the tinyclr_scatterfile.ldf, and tinyclr.axfdump files of a MCBSTM32F400 MDK build to compare with the GCC generated ones? Thanks.

smaillet-ms commented 8 years ago

I don't have this available to me at the moment, but I can get those files when I get back into the office in the new year.

josesimoes commented 8 years ago

@smaillet-ms I understand that you must be rather busy with llilum but could you please waste 5 minutes with this and send me those files so I can resume my quest? thanks a lot.

smaillet-ms commented 8 years ago

NOTE: For MDK there is no LDF file as it uses scatter files (same concept but different syntax and details) so I've included that in case it helps.

josesimoes commented 8 years ago

@smaillet-ms I've banging my head with this for several days now. Here's what I've found so far:

With what I have so far, I can load the image into DISCOVERY4, it boots, but then it gets stuck in a hard fault. There is an enumeration for the USB device but it fails and shows as an unknown device because it lacks the descriptor (I guess that this is a sign that it was starting to work but then it gets trapped in the hard fault) If you could take the time to review my changes in the following files I would appreciate it. There is a branch with this work here:

In particular:


PS: btw, the initialization of NETMF is way convoluted!! It's very hard to follow it and try to make sense out of all that...

josesimoes commented 8 years ago

@smaillet-ms I found out that the * in the linker script doesn't work as expected. Meaning that LwIP regions definition aren't working. I've rework the scatter file to place the RW and BSS LwIP regions along with the main ones, but still segregated so they can be inited and zeroed as required. The globals Image$$ER_LWIP_OS$$nnnn are available in the code.

Please take a look at this commit and review it:

It's not working yet, but it compiles successfully and I can see in the map file the vars and address contiguous just like in the MDK map, which wasn't happening before.

josesimoes commented 8 years ago

@smaillet-ms I've managed to successfully compile (with MDK) and load the image of the networked DISCOVERY4 solution. This confirms that GCC is not properly handling the initializations of RTX and possibly stack and heap too.

smaillet-ms commented 8 years ago

Best suggestion I have is to use the mbed website for a platform using the same SOC, create a simple test app that uses the RTOS (say two threads each blinking an distinct LED with a different delay in them) and export it as a makefile for GCC. Then try to adapt the code and settings into the NETMF build to get a simple "bootloader" e.g. if you can get the code to init and call into main(), you should be able replicate the rest from the MCBSTM32F400 networking solution. (This is actually what we did for running Llilum on mBed devices)