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Electing a DRS user as a proxy #1008

Open sarahjeansweeney opened 8 years ago

sarahjeansweeney commented 8 years ago

The current proxy feature assumes the proxy will be library staff and grants them the ability to deposit anywhere in the DRS. In addition to this feature, faculty and staff should be able to elect other DRS users, like students or research assistants working with them on a project, to deposit on their behalf.

dgcliff commented 8 years ago

Would they both (elector and electee) be required to be in the same grouper group? Or would it just be like - insert email here, kind of thing.

sarahjeansweeney commented 8 years ago

I'd prefer to leave Grouper out of this. Inserting an email would be good, or just being able to select an existing DRS user like I do in the Admin panel would be better. Introducing Grouper means that they'd have to ask me to set it up for them, and I'd have to create a lot of tiny groups for the faculty and the proxy, or maintain one big group of faculty and their proxies. That would work, but it seems unnecessary.

dgcliff commented 8 years ago

Email might be best I think - if they have to choose a user, and that user hasn't logged in, they won't show up.

By doing the email, we can prepare everything for when that person shows up.

sarahjeansweeney commented 8 years ago

That sounds good, though we'll have to require they insert a @northeastern or @husky.neu email address.

dgcliff commented 8 years ago

Yep, an easy validation