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Sets modal pagination #1080

Closed sarahjeansweeney closed 7 years ago

sarahjeansweeney commented 7 years ago

Michelle reported to me late last week that she couldn't advance past the first page in the "Add to a Set." modal when trying to add something to a Set. To replicate, click "Save for later" to add a file to a Set. In the "Add to a Set." modal, advance to the next page or pick a deeper page to navigate to.

Instead of advancing through the pages, a blank pages opens in the active browser window: 2017-02-13_0838

She was using Firefox and Chrome, and experienced the same issue in both. I can replicate her issue in Firefox and Safari, but not Chrome.

elizoller commented 7 years ago

in firefox and safari can you try a hard refresh? i can't replicate this is any browser

sarahjeansweeney commented 7 years ago

Hard refresh worked for me in Firefox, but not Safari.

sarahjeansweeney commented 7 years ago

Clearing cache in Safari worked, too.