This was reported to me by a user and I've experienced it myself. When replacing a thumbnail for a collection that already has a thumbnail, the old thumbnail image is not immediately replaced with the new thumbnail image. The replaced thumbnail displays instead of the new thumbnail. A hard refresh displays the new thumbnail. To replicate:
Go to any collection, add a new thumbnail, click "Submit"
Go back to manage that collection, select "Remove existing thumbnail?", click "Submit"
Go back to manage that collection again, add a new, different thumbnail, click "Submit"
On the saved collection page you'll see that the thumbnail is the first image, not the second, new image
This was reported to me by a user and I've experienced it myself. When replacing a thumbnail for a collection that already has a thumbnail, the old thumbnail image is not immediately replaced with the new thumbnail image. The replaced thumbnail displays instead of the new thumbnail. A hard refresh displays the new thumbnail. To replicate:
In one instance, the thumbnail did eventually revert to the new file, but only after a few days:
Here are a few collections where I know this has occurred: Reported to me: https://repository.library.northeastei
Experienced myself:
Not sure if it helps, but here are a few screenshots for
First thumbnail added:
First thumbnail removed:
Second, different thumbnail added: