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Replacing thumbnails for collections #1160

Closed sarahjeansweeney closed 6 years ago

sarahjeansweeney commented 6 years ago

This was reported to me by a user and I've experienced it myself. When replacing a thumbnail for a collection that already has a thumbnail, the old thumbnail image is not immediately replaced with the new thumbnail image. The replaced thumbnail displays instead of the new thumbnail. A hard refresh displays the new thumbnail. To replicate:

  1. Go to any collection, add a new thumbnail, click "Submit"
  2. Go back to manage that collection, select "Remove existing thumbnail?", click "Submit"
  3. Go back to manage that collection again, add a new, different thumbnail, click "Submit"
  4. On the saved collection page you'll see that the thumbnail is the first image, not the second, new image

In one instance, the thumbnail did eventually revert to the new file, but only after a few days:

Here are a few collections where I know this has occurred: Reported to me: https://repository.library.northeastei

Experienced myself:

Not sure if it helps, but here are a few screenshots for

First thumbnail added: 2018-03-12_0939

First thumbnail removed: 2018-03-12_0939-1

Second, different thumbnail added: 2018-03-12_0940