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VE email template issues #407

Open winthropo opened 3 years ago

winthropo commented 3 years ago

It looks like our email template could use some work. It would also be nice if the emails didn't come from "Discovery at" and came from "library-doNotReply at" Documentation here:

bad email

gam5 commented 3 years ago

The weird 2019 thing was a typo in: Alma Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels ->Send Email and Sms Labels ->

winthropo commented 3 years ago

Thanks. I would be fine with removing that disclaimer altogether. You'd think that by turning off the enabled slider it would do that, but nope.

winthropo commented 3 years ago

@gam5 would it be easy to hide those giant icons? Or format the email so it doesn't look so stupid?

winthropo commented 3 years ago

These giant icons appear in our current Primo environment, too. So I'm going to remove the GoVe tag.

nestochan commented 2 years ago

is this sorted?

gam5 commented 2 years ago

Still in progress