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SOS Homepage Revised Wording & Links (US) #421

Closed winthropo closed 1 year ago

winthropo commented 1 year ago

Welcome to Scholar OneSearch

Scholar OneSearch provides simple, one-stop searching for e-books, videos, articles, digital media, and more.

What am I searching?

· E-books · Scholarly and Peer-Reviewed Articles · Newspaper Articles · Journals · Video and Audio · Government Documents

And more from a variety of licensed and open source databases and resources.

Why should I sign in?

Sign in with your Northeastern username and password in order to:

· Save results in My Favorites · Request materials from other libraries via Interlibrary Loan (ILL) · View full search results (Some databases, like Web of Science, only show results when you’re signed in)

Where can I get help?

· Scholar OneSearch Tutorials · Ask a librarian · Research subject guides

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winthropo commented 1 year ago

All links remain the same except the Scholar OneSearch tutorials link should point here instead:

gam5 commented 1 year ago

Homepage updated.

gam5 commented 1 year ago

Where should "And more from a variety of licensed and open source databases and resources" link to?

winthropo commented 1 year ago

I'm not aware of that page existing in the new environment so please remove it. Thanks.