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Resources for teaching/preparing to teach bioimage analysis
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Colocalisation example image data #633

Open tischi opened 5 months ago

tischi commented 5 months ago

Hi @tibuch @stemarcotti @ssgpers @manerotoni @AnniekStok ,

Would some of you have image data that has:

AnniekStok commented 5 months ago

Will this do? It is spatially scaled, but very anisotropic.


Sadly I see now there are actually quite some saturated pixels.. sorry

tischi commented 5 months ago

Thanks @AnniekStok, but there are in fact a lot of saturated (255) pixels, which is not ideal for teaching as it complicates interpretation of the data.

AnniekStok commented 5 months ago

Yes sorry, I noticed it later and tried to find a better region, but couldn't find one. I looked further and found a different image that does not have this problem, is this useful? xyzc_8bit_nuclei2.tif.gz

manerotoni commented 5 months ago

Are you thinking of small or large colocalization objects? I can find images of reporters that are in the nucleus and/or cytoplasm. This is a spatially quite big. We had a project with vesicle STED colocalization, although published it is not my data.

tischi commented 5 months ago

We had a project with vesicle STED colocalization, although published it is not my data.

@manerotoni That would be cool! If it is published the data should be available? Maybe I can find it myself if you point me to the publication?

I looked further and found a different image that does not have this problem, is this useful?

This is better in terms of the saturation issue, but something with vesicular structures that partially co-localise would be more ideal. The "real data" here would be great, but it does have the problem of saturated signal in one of the channels.

ssgpers commented 5 months ago

Here are some data on ER exit sites: Maybe this helps