Backend plugin to extend features on the proxy
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kicking players #34

Closed SrMonsterYT closed 4 months ago

SrMonsterYT commented 4 months ago

i'm using velocity, when i connect to the server i get kicked, when i remove the TAB-Bridge, the kick doesn't happen


server version: version git-Pufferfish-49 (MC: 1.20.4) velocity: 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-399bc232-b386)


error: network protocol error

NEZNAMY commented 4 months ago

Send the error from client log.

SrMonsterYT commented 4 months ago

Send the error from client log.

i get nothing, only when i enter i get kicked and the error appears on the screen, in the console there is no error


the error appears at the end of the video, and nothing appears on the console, but if I remove the TAB-Bridge, the problem is solved

SrMonsterYT commented 4 months ago

Send the error from client log.

when i deactivate the scoreboard the problem is solved!

my scoreboard:

error debug:

@NEZNAMY sorry to tag you, but could you tell me how to fix this?

NEZNAMY commented 4 months ago

What's the point of tagging me? I am responding as soon as I am online, tagging me won't do anything. I also bet you didn't enable client console, because an error is printed every time client disconnects with that error.

Another thing you can do is create a test network with only TAB, reproduce it there and then zip all 3 servers and upload them, so I can download it and try with your identical setup.

SrMonsterYT commented 4 months ago

What's the point of tagging me? I am responding as soon as I am online, tagging me won't do anything. I also bet you didn't enable client console, because an error is printed every time client disconnects with that error.

Another thing you can do is create a test network with only TAB, reproduce it there and then zip all 3 servers and upload them, so I can download it and try with your identical setup.

I discovered another problem, when I'm on 1.20.4, and I enter the server with TAB-Bridge I don't get kicked, but when I enter version 1.20.6 I get kicked


debug: true ->

NEZNAMY commented 4 months ago

Your discovery is already described in my first comment in the first issue, where I clearly said mojang added it in 1.20.5.

You still did not enable client console to send logs from it and still did not provide a test setup to reproduce it on.

SrMonsterYT commented 4 months ago

Your discovery is already described in my first comment in the first issue, where I clearly said mojang added it in 1.20.5.

You still did not enable client console to send logs from it and still did not provide a test setup to reproduce it on.

my config: logs:

I don't understand what you mean by "enable client"

NEZNAMY commented 4 months ago

You keep sending server logs. I am asking for client logs.

SrMonsterYT commented 4 months ago

You keep sending server logs. I am asking for client logs.

client logs:

NEZNAMY commented 4 months ago

I wasn't able to reproduce this issue. Please create a test network with only TAB and bridge and then upload the setup, so I download it and try.

SrMonsterYT commented 4 months ago

I wasn't able to reproduce this issue. Please create a test network with only TAB and bridge and then upload the setup, so I download it and try.

i deleted the folder and configured everything from scratch, then when i set it to bungeecord the error occurs, that's my configuration causing the problem:

when I put

scoreboard: enabled: false

the problem is over, I just need to deactivate the scoreboard and the error doesn't occur

NEZNAMY commented 4 months ago

BungeeCord? Bridge only sends screboards through bridge on Velocity.

Once again, make a test network setup with only TAB and bridge, reproduce it there, zip all servers and upload them somewhere, so I can try with the identical setup.

SrMonsterYT commented 4 months ago

BungeeCord? Bridge only sends screboards through bridge on Velocity.

Once again, make a test network setup with only TAB and bridge, reproduce it there, zip all servers and upload them somewhere, so I can try with the identical setup.

bungeecord I mean the name of the server, it's velocity the jar, do you want me to send you all the servers? how do i get onto a 1.20.4 server without viaversion?

NEZNAMY commented 4 months ago

Then add ViaVersion with addons as well. Once you reproduce the issue, upload all the servers and send them.

SrMonsterYT commented 4 months ago

Then add ViaVersion with addons as well. Once you reproduce the issue, upload all the servers and send them.

when you enter the lobby type /server survivalsf

enter version 1.20.6, the server is in versions:

velocity: last version lobby: 1.12.2 survival: 1.20.4

NEZNAMY commented 4 months ago

Your issue was already fixed in dev builds of TAB a week ago.

hervidero commented 4 months ago

Had the same/similar issue after updating our servers today. Can confirm that using a DEV build (4.1.5-snapshot build#1119) of the TAB plugin on the velocity server fixes the issue. (No need to update TAB-Bridge)