Closed SrMonsterYT closed 6 months ago
Get latest build from actions and set
register-tab-expansion: false
is for me to use TAB-4.1.3-SNAPSHOT
and where do I find the register-tab-expansion option?
I can't find anything in the tab configuration
Did you update? The option was added in dev builds.
Did you update? The option was added in dev builds.
just change the jar and the option will go into the settings by itself?
Yes, like magic.
deactivating this option stops the tab working and this error appears:
Update to latest build.
solved, but this console appears:
That's a warn supposed to hint you that sorting may not work as expected due to group assigning not working properly, most likely due to wrong configuration. That message is not a bug that should be fixed or anything.
can you classify each group by server?
another question, doesn't TAB complete work? like when I give /tpa player the name of the other player on the different server appears?
What does classifying groups by server mean? If you have global playerlist enabled, the game will tabcomplete all players in the tablist, including those on other servers if enabled.
when i tabbed to bungeecord the %health% placeholderAPI didn't work what could it be?
command: btab group DEFAULT belowname %health%
can you create groups for each belowname and abovename?
%health% is not a PlaceholderAPI placeholder. That's why it doesn't work. Not a bug. Please only use the issue tracker for reporting issues in the plugin.
btab group DEFAULT belowname %health%
I activated debug and typed /btab reload and this appeared but it still shows %health%
when I use hex colors in the lobby of version 1.12.2 this happens:
I already told you this is not a PlaceholderAPI placeholder and therefore you cannot use it on BungeeCord.
everything is going well <3
the tab in the lobby that is in 1.12.2 is leaving the players' tags in place, if I stand in the lobby of 1.12.2 and players enter it keeps creating several and several tags and leaving them in place, after going to survival 1.20.4 and back they disappear, but if I stand there in the lobby there are 1 lot of tags like this see:
Did you get error file in TAB's folder?
Update to latest build, delete error log, add -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow
to your startup flags and then show new error file if you get it.
my start.bat: java -Xms1G -Xmx4G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=4M -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -Djava.awt.headless=true --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang.invoke=ALL-UNNAMED -jar server.jar
how do I add it
You have several parameters starting with -XX
, add it between them.
the problem still occurs, if I leave the lobby they disappear but if I stay there they appear again every time a player enters
So they don't disappear when their owners leave the server? Did you get error file again?
So they don't disappear when their owners leave the server? Did you get error file again?
my players are being kicked and this error appears:
the tab plugin also generated this error: errors.log
also this error:
I will need full paste of the bungeecord error, not just a screenshot that cuts the most important part.
I will need full paste of the bungeecord error, not just a screenshot that cuts the most important part.
Try new build. This error should however not cause a disconnect.
Try new build. This error should however not cause a disconnect.
it's in progress do i still have to wait for it to be approved or can i download it first?
You need to wait for github to compile it. The plugin is big and takes forever to compile.
it's no longer kicking players, but the tag problem is still there, it happens in the 1.12.2 lobby, in the 1.20.1 survival lobby it doesn't happen.
Could it be that on the 1.20.1 server you don't have unlimited nametags on?
Is the issue that they don't disappear when players quit? Can you set debug: true
in config and show console output when a player quits, but their armor stands stay?
Could it be that on the 1.20.1 server you don't have unlimited nametags on? Is the issue that they don't disappear when players quit? Can you set
debug: true
in config and show console output when a player quits, but their armor stands stay?
I'm using TAB in bungeecord
debug true:
Could it be that you set disable-condition the way that on the 1.20.1 server it is off? The log you sent is not on quit, is it? But since you have TAB on bungeecord it wouldn't help anyway.
Could it be that you set disable-condition the way that on the 1.20.1 server it is off? The log you sent is not on quit, is it? But since you have TAB on bungeecord it wouldn't help anyway.
do you have discord so I can send you my complete TAB folder just so I don't publish it here for everyone? my discord: mauriciooficial
Customer discord is only for customers. Are you a customer?
Customer discord is only for customers. Are you a customer?
I'm not, I didn't even know discord existed for buyers, but what's wrong with this case? I'm using TAB in bungeecord
I don't know why is it happening. I would need exact steps to reproduce this issue, just like any bug report.
I don't know why is it happening. I would need exact steps to reproduce this issue, just like any bug report.
I don't know either, I just know that you have to stand in the lobby which is in 1.12.2 and wait, every 10 - 20 players 1 lets the tag stay.
So when a player leaves, there's a small chance armor stands stay? Can you try on a test server with no other plugins?
So when a player leaves, there's a small chance armor stands stay? Can you try on a test server with no other plugins?
I'd have to create 1 bungeecord server, and create lots and lots of accounts and keep logging in and out, it would be very difficult to achieve this, here on the main server about 10 players enter every 30 minutes
And it's easy for me to do?
And it's easy for me to do?
no, unfortunately I don't know how to fix it, it happened when I put in this new version
Since unlimited nametags on proxy are managed by bridge, updating the main plugin could not have caused it.
Unable to reproduce. Tried on both 1.12.2 and 1.20.1, both worked fine.
Unable to reproduce. Tried on both 1.12.2 and 1.20.1, both worked fine.
yes, as I said every 15 - 20 players 1 lets the tag stay, and you have to stand there waiting in the lobby for the players to enter still
I spawned in 100 bots, that should be enough. For bridge it's just leaving the server, backend doesn't see the concept of switching servers.
when i leave the lobby and come back it disappears, is it a visual bug of the player? it happened to 2 players
It means the entity destroy packet was not sent to you and I don't know why.
a player just reported that 1 player's tag was left on his land, I asked him to relog and it disappeared, and only he could see it, in version 1.20.1
Server version
waterfall 1.20.4
TAB version
Describe the bug
there's a big bug when I use TAB in bungeecord, each of my servers has an animated TAB and every time I add it I have to keep increasing its update time so it doesn't kick me out for sending too many packets or deleting animations and this didn't happen when it was individual, watch
this video:
sorry the video is so long but I managed to show the bug, please watch and tell me if there is a solution for this without having to remove the animations
server versions: lobby 1.12.2 ( bug only occurs in lobby version 1.12.2 ) bungeecord 1.20.3 survival 1.20.1
I'm using TAB version 4.1.2 TAB-Bridge version: 5.0.1
i removed all animation from the lobby and left it on the other servers, but whenever i go to the lobby i get kicked for sending too many packets and the lobby is on 1.12.2, this never happened when it was the individual TAB, is there a solution for this? do you have a discord so i can send you more information there?
i found out that the problem is in viaversion could you tell me why this happens, i disabled the option in viaversion: tracking-max-warnings: -1
this only happens with 1.12.2 servers
Expected behavior
no kick player
Steps to reproduce
use TAB in bungeecord, and set up several animations per server, then you'll be kicked by viaversion for sending too many packages.
each scoreboard on each server must have its own animations
Additional info
if there was support for synchronizing 2 servers using mysql or redis this would solve all the problems, just putting in the bungeecord option and having to change the whole networks tab is a lot of work
add support for mixed installation, allow me to ignore the servers I want and use the plugin on both bungeecord and spigot.