Closed Dominiiikk closed 2 hours ago
Send your velocity startup log.
Here is the Log. I see error in the velocity scoreboard api plugin, which wasnt there before, wierd.
I see that velocity 3.4.0 released. But 3.3.0 should support 1.21.2 as well. Edit: It doesnt D: Well, should it fix the issue?
[VelocityScoreboardAPI]: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[VelocityScoreboardAPI]: The plugin requires a newer velocity build that supports MC 1.21.2.
[VelocityScoreboardAPI]: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loud and clear. How is this a TAB bug? VSAPI requires velocity build 443 and up while you are using 436.
Sure, then its not TAB bug. But if it needs build 443, than change the wiki for it, cause it says velocity 3.3.0, but the latest build for that is what I run. So it has to be 3.4.0 then.
Sorry for the problems on my side.
Not a TAB bug, my bad - Velocity build is not compatible with VelocityScoreboardAPI
Server version
Backend 1.21.1 (Pufferfish fork), Proxy - velocity 3.3.0
TAB version
Plugin list
10:57:24[INFO] Paper Plugins: 10:57:24[INFO] - MarriageMaster, SignedVelocity 10:57:24[INFO] Bukkit Plugins: 10:57:24[INFO] - AdvancedChests, ajLeaderboards, AxInventoryRestore, AxMinions, AxTrade, BeaconPlus3, BeautyQuests, BeautyQuests-Expansion, Boosters, Chunky 10:57:24[INFO] CMI, CMIEInjector, CMILib, CoreProtect, CosmeticsCore, CustomCrafting, CustomJoinMessages, DailyRewards, DeluxeTags, eco 10:57:24[INFO] EcoArmor, EcoEnchants, EcoJobs, EcoSkills, Elevator, ExcellentCrates, FastAsyncWorldEdit, floodgate, ForcePack, GPS 10:57:24[INFO] HeadBlocks, HeadDatabase, HostifyMonitor, ItemsAdder, JetsAntiAFKPro, KCMonitor, Lands, libreforge, LibsDisguises, LiteBans 10:57:24[INFO] LoneLibs, LuckPerms, MCPets, MineBlocks, MineStore, MobFarmManager, ModelEngine, Multiverse-Core, MythicDungeons, MythicLibreforge 10:57:24[INFO] MythicMobs, NBTAPI, nightcore, OTTOConnect, packetevents, PinataParty, Pl-Hide-Pro, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerPoints, PlayerWarps 10:57:24[INFO] PlugManX, PremiumVanish, ProtocolLib, PyroFishingPro, PyroLib, QuickShop-Hikari, SchedulerWatcher, ShopGUIPlus, Shopkeepers, SkBee 10:57:24[INFO] SkinsRestorer, Skript, skript-itemsadder, skript-placeholders, skript-yaml, SuperCredits, SurvivalInvisiframes, TAB, TAB-Bridge, ToastedAFK 10:57:24[INFO] TrMenu, TryMe, UpgradeableHoppers, UpgradeableSpawners, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, VoidChest, VoidGen, Votifier 10:57:24[INFO] VotingPlugin, Vulcan, WolfyUtilities, WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags, XenoWorldReset, zAuctionHouseV3, ZelChat, ZNPCsPlus
Describe the bug
I updated my backend servers from 1.20.4 to 1.21.1. With that I updated most of my plugins, so they work with this version. Decided to update TAB as well. My version before the update was 4.1.5 i think. After updating and installing the velocity scoreboard plugin the tab sorting stopped working, even tho it is set the same.
If I do /btab debug on a player, it shows the right sortings, but does not really sort the players in the tab. Here some previews:
Expected behavior
Should sort the player in the tab by their groups, which is not doing.
Steps to reproduce
Additional info
I'll attach my proxy config here.