NErler / JointAI

Joint Analysis and Imputation of generalized linear models and linear mixed models with missing values
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Error in is.nan(data[, k]) : default method not implemented for type 'list' #8

Closed amirabadiza921 closed 1 year ago

amirabadiza921 commented 2 years ago

Dear Dr. Erler, I get this error when running the following commands: model.cox<-coxph_imp(Surv(surv_time,incidenceDM)~BMI_1+ageyr14_1+tg1_1+sbp_1+dbp_1+

NErler commented 2 years ago

Dear Alireza,

Could you provide a reproducible example? It might have to do with the particular coding of your data, but I am not able to figure it out without an example that I can run myself to re-create the problem.

Thank you.