NFDI4Chem / VibrationalSpectroscopyOntology

WORK IN PROGRESS - The Vibration Spectroscopy Ontology defines technical terms with which research data produced in vibrational spectroscopy experiments can be semantically enriched, made machine readable and FAIR.
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Add axioms to each setting datum which quality they are about #116

Open StroemPhi opened 10 months ago

StroemPhi commented 10 months ago

According to the updated design pattern docs, we can add axioms on all the setting datums we defined which will link these to the qualities that they set (are about).

EDIT: previously referenced this relation as being RO:causally influences, but after discussion with Lars Vogt, this is wrong, as my understanding of causality in this context was too broad. Hence, I changed it to "is about", which is already changed in the docs. But the axioms cna/should still be asserted.

StroemPhi commented 3 weeks ago

overarching issue (epic) of: