NFDI4Chem / VibrationalSpectroscopyOntology

WORK IN PROGRESS - The Vibration Spectroscopy Ontology defines technical terms with which research data produced in vibrational spectroscopy experiments can be semantically enriched, made machine readable and FAIR.
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[NTR] add "Raman spatial dimensionality" #28

Open Zack-83 opened 1 year ago

Zack-83 commented 1 year ago
Preferred term label Synonyms Textual definition Link to CHARISMA Wiki equivalent Suggested parent term Axiomatization Examples Attribution
Raman mapping specification Raman imaging specification; Raman acquisition specification A plan specification... IAO:plan specification
Raman single-point mapping specification A Raman mapping specification in which... Raman mapping specification
Raman point-by-point mapping specification A Raman mapping specification in which... Raman mapping specification
Raman line-focus mapping specification A Raman mapping specification in which... Raman mapping specification
Raman mapping Raman imaging; Raman spectral mapping; Raman spectral imaging An assay implementing a mapping specification... OBI:assay
Raman map An image produced via a Raman mapping...
Raman 0D map A Raman map defined by one single point. Raman map
Raman horizontal 1D map Raman map
Raman vertical 1D map Raman map
Raman horizontal 2D map Raman map
Raman vertical 2D map Raman map
Raman 3D map Raman map


ORCID:0000-0001-7694-5519; ORCID:0000-0002-2239-3955

StroemPhi commented 1 year ago

@Zack-83 can you please provide more context as to what you mean with this exactly, maybe links to papers? Also have you checked in the Raman spectroscopy branch we import from CHMO in VIBSO, if these "methods" are defined there as special kinds of Raman spectroscopy? For me the question would be if you are refering to a specialization/kind of Raman spectroscopy or to a special kind of output generated by a certain Raman spectroscopy, so focusing on the generated spectrum.

StroemPhi commented 1 year ago

If you refer to the former, a special kind of Raman spectroscopy, we would have to create new subclasses of either chmo:Raman spectroscopyor chmo:laser Raman spectroscopy, which is probably similar to chmo:two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy.

Zack-83 commented 1 year ago

I checked. It seems the spatial dimension is not considered in CHMO.
I will ask @RainerStosch or @Stefano-Luin if other aspects are relevant to distinguish among techniques

Zack-83 commented 1 year ago

We have renamed the class and the admitted values to make it clear, that we are only taking about the spatial component. An alternative label ("Raman scan mode") is also provided (see

This spatial information can be registered independently from the subclasses defined in

Concerning the subclasses, we have two questions: who defined them and with which criteria? That classification mixes up different aspects: source, excitation band, enhancement, sample preparation... At least the sample preparation should not be considered, because it has nothing to do with the analytical method used after that.

We can help sorting the chaos :)

StroemPhi commented 1 year ago

Regarding the existing children of CHMO:Raman spectroscopy, all I can say is that we would have to contact @batchelorc or better file an issue in CHMO directly to find out more about their history. My hope was that we can reuse as many of these subclasses as possible and mint new ones only where this is not possible. And once VIBSO is in a more mature state we would have to speak to Colin and the OBI devs anyway to finally decide where should live what. But I think it is best to have a working proposal with VIBSO that can be constructivly discussed with all necessary ontology stakeholders.

StroemPhi commented 1 year ago

grafik Raman Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis, p. 294ff Are you talking about this?

Zack-83 commented 1 year ago

grafik Raman Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis, p. 294ff Are you talking about this?

Yes, our addition goes in the same direction. But we foresee a third dimension z, which produces three more cases (vertical scan, vertical surface, volume)

StroemPhi commented 1 year ago

I've been spending quite some time trying to understand the things requested in this issue. What became clear to me from our previous discussions is that the requested "Raman spatial dimensionality" should be understood as the "method" or chosen protocol which specifies how the sample should be scanned when using a certain kind of Raman spectroscopy, like confocal Raman microscopy. It is thus best subsumed under IAO:plan specification, as this class is used in the definition of OBI planned process (the parent of Raman spectroscopies in VIBSO). Yet I think it is best to not label this class "Raman spatial dimensionality" but instead use the suggested synonym "Raman scan mode" to make more explicit what we are actually talking about. Because what isn't clear to me yet with regard to the dimentionaly is whether it should refer to the dimentions in which the sample was scanned or the dimensions of the resulting Raman image. This becomes apparent when we have for example a 1D line mapping that uses a line focused laser beam. The resulting Raman image of an assay implementing this mode would be 2D. What I'm trying to say, is that for VIBSO we need to break it down more fine grained and should probably define the competency questions we need to describe what we actually want to say with these terms. What I'd like to propose concretely for now are these classes:

With these we might then be in the position to define the subclasses of an also new class Raman mapping?

sources used

Zack-83 commented 1 year ago

Hallo Philip,

we can live with this classification, with minor changes:




StroemPhi commented 4 months ago

The assay type Raman mapping was already defined in CHMO, where it is called 'Raman microscopy' and 'Raman mapping' as well as 'Raman imaging' are provided as synonyms. We thus imported this class from CHMO (see: #127)