NFDI4Chem / VibrationalSpectroscopyOntology

WORK IN PROGRESS - The Vibration Spectroscopy Ontology defines technical terms with which research data produced in vibrational spectroscopy experiments can be semantically enriched, made machine readable and FAIR.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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[Docs] add other creators and contributors to the ontology metadata #79

Closed StroemPhi closed 1 year ago

StroemPhi commented 1 year ago

Currently only I am listed as creator, but our domain experts and the other VIBSO devs need to be added as well off course!

Zack-83 commented 1 year ago

Of course. In which source file?

StroemPhi commented 1 year ago

@Zack-83 in the src/ontology/vibso-edit.owl using dcterm:contributor please. If we use this over dct:creator for all of us, then we don't have to worry about any concrete attribution details. My ORCID in the metadata shown in the Terminology service comes from the configuration YAML we need for the indexing of VIBSO. I will delete it from there and only leave NFDI4Chem as a creator.

Zack-83 commented 1 year ago

@Zack-83 in the src/ontology/vibso-edit.owl using dcterm:contributor please. If we use this over dct:creator for all of us, then we don't have to worry about any concrete attribution details. My ORCID in the metadata shown in the Terminology service comes from the configuration YAML we need for the indexing of VIBSO. I will delete it from there and only leave NFDI4Chem as a creator.

First attempt: . @StroemPhi Is it what you mean?