NFDI4Microbiota / MetadataStandards

The primary objective of this GitHub page is to serve as a centralized repository for existing (meta)data standards.
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Suggestion, Standardizing the features name of the minimal metadata standards #12

Open Majid-Soheili opened 1 year ago

Majid-Soheili commented 1 year ago

Dear All,

I have a concern about the column name of the metadata. I believe it would be better for the column name to be underlying a simple and predictable pattern. for example, in sections "2.2 Amplicon sequencing." and "2.8 Metabolomics." we have different patterns:

In my mind, this naming can cause some mistakes automatically, So I suggest we use a predictable pattern for all names in all sections. Here is put some suggestions about naming.

These notes are just suggestions, and we can discuss that to make a comprehensive standard for defining the name of features of the metadata.