NFDI4Microbiota / MetadataStandards

The primary objective of this GitHub page is to serve as a centralized repository for existing (meta)data standards.
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MIGSUViG table in two parts; suggestion to add ids #17

Open nacnoriko opened 6 months ago

nacnoriko commented 6 months ago

The table is interrupted with a comment in the middle, is this on purpose?

It would be useful to add id's to each row of the table to easily gauge how many rows there are.

Maybe could also include a summary diagram of how many fields came from each data source -- to answer questions like are all the MIGSUviG fields present?

MartinBoleSlo commented 5 months ago

For now yes, it is on purpose. As the second one is supposed to be FASTA not FASTQ as previously stated.

Numbering of rows can be added, for this table, as well as for the other ones

At a later date, a graphic summary can also be included.