NFDI4Microbiota / MetadataStandards

The primary objective of this GitHub page is to serve as a centralized repository for existing (meta)data standards.
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additional consideration for minimal technical metadata is an "Is Public" field #26

Open magelm opened 5 months ago

magelm commented 5 months ago
          One additional consideration for minimal technical metadata is an "Is Public" field. Sources: JGI IMG/M &  PLaBA-db (requirement unknown). NME 30May2022.

Originally posted by @nernster in

MartinBoleSlo commented 5 months ago

We can add, options along the lines of : "Data available upon reasonable request", "Public", "Available upon request", "Ethics committee approval required" ?

magelm commented 5 months ago

I agree that we need more options. Maybe we can fall back on existing ontologies to coin terms? E.g. the EGA/ GA4GH created a Data Use Ontology DUO_0000017. DUO is an ontology which represent data use conditions. I think it was build for human-associated data, so we would need to double-check if the ontology terms fit our expectations, but the granularity of terms/ concepts is a plus IMO.