NFDI4Microbiota / MetadataStandards

The primary objective of this GitHub page is to serve as a centralized repository for existing (meta)data standards.
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Is there a need for a field such as gender in addition to `sex` ? #32

Open magelm opened 5 months ago

magelm commented 5 months ago

Hey, wondering if someone knows how/ if transgender studies are using additional fields apart from host_sex, e.g. such as host_gender or other fields. While it may not be included in the MiMS or GSC suggestions for human-associated metadata, there could be such a field in the social studies field. Or if they are expanding the field host_sex through ontology terms.

If we want to expand on this topic, we could consult with one of the social studies NFDI.

MartinBoleSlo commented 5 months ago

I would maybe either go with directly linking the OLS searches, as they include female human, woman, female, and male human encompass pretty much both social and scientific aspect, or we can hand pick the terms and list them as separate examples, but here we would need someone from the social studies NFDI.