NFDI4Microbiota / MetadataStandards

The primary objective of this GitHub page is to serve as a centralized repository for existing (meta)data standards.
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"culture metadata" not mentioned in the tables (as opposed to Fig 4) #33

Open magelm opened 5 months ago

magelm commented 5 months ago

Hey, The fields microbial ID, microbial isolate, culture substrate, are mentioned under "site metadata" in all the biological/environmental tables (e.g. marine ).

But in the overview table, we have them listed under the term "culture metadata, if applicable" (as shown in the overview table Fig 4 here:

Should this discrepancy be clarified in the explanations or adapted in the tables? Or would you keep it as is?

MartinBoleSlo commented 5 months ago

Maybe I'll just add a separate sub-division of the tables, to be listed as "Culture metadata", as I don't see that it perfectly fits in either "site metadata" of "host-metadata"