NFDI4Microbiota / MetadataStandards

The primary objective of this GitHub page is to serve as a centralized repository for existing (meta)data standards.
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Clarify status of comments/ questions in MetadataStandards/Technical/ #39

Closed magelm closed 4 weeks ago

magelm commented 4 months ago


there are a couple of comments/ questions and solutions buried in the metadata table markdown. It's not always a 100% clear to me, if those issues and comments have been resolved or are still work in progress. I would suggest to create proper issues for each question/ comment instead of including these in the tables as mentioned here and then comment appropriately and resolving them in a clean fashion.

Otherwise, I think it's confusing to include discussions in markdown files/ tables that are primarily supposed to be "reference tables".

@MartinBoleSlo and @cpauvert: What do you think/ what do you prefer, as you have been commenting and fixing the tables like this?