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add curated SOPs from Collaborative Research Centers #182

Open cpauvert opened 3 months ago

cpauvert commented 3 months ago

Collaborative Research Centers in Germany have the incentive towards reproducible research and curated SOPs is a contribution to it. With @tclavel we thought that linking curated protocols from them could benefit everyone and increase interoperability!

For instance the CRC1382: Especially since our consortium has only few participants doing wet-lab work that could vouch/amend/verify these protocols, these CRC protocols are actually used ; )

What are your thoughts on this @saschulz? Best,

cpauvert commented 3 months ago

EDIT: this page was supposed to be hidden according to but was made visible again in f0f1470 any reasons @KK-NFDI ?

KK-NFDI commented 3 months ago

EDIT: this page was supposed to be hidden according to #95 (comment) but was made visible again in f0f1470 any reasons @KK-NFDI ?

@cpauvert I believe it was empty initially, so I hid it. With the added content, I set it to be visible again.