NFINIT-Development / Astroblock2

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Astroblock 2: Two -Xmx arguments in JVM string, 2nd overrides the first #37

Closed MBfromOK closed 4 years ago

MBfromOK commented 4 years ago

I was having lots of issues with lag, I had 6Gb of RAM allocated and was seeing it max out while having a lag spike, I exited back to the JAR launcher and changed the game profile to use 8Gb of RAM, game played smoothly.

I exited the game and set the twitch profile to use 8Gb of RAM, today I relaunched and started playing thinking that it was preset... After a few minutes the lag started, Checking the F3 screen max RAM is 6144MB RAM... Exited the game and checked twitch, set to 8Gb, clicked to play and edited the profile where I saw this:

-Xmx8198m -Xms256m -XX:PermSize=256m

Launched the Game, F3 shows 6144MB max ram Exited and checked whole JVM string where I found this: -Xmx6G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions
knoxhack commented 4 years ago

I don't really see what the problem is, it doesn't seem related to the modpack this seems like a Twitch Launcher bug

MBfromOK commented 4 years ago

You are correct, my bad...

I went to the actual settings page for Minecraft in Twitch and found an additional parameters box where -Xmx6G was the first thing listed.