NFINIT-Labs / AstroBlock

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Reset starting ship on server restart #111

Open Zandermoonshade opened 3 years ago

Zandermoonshade commented 3 years ago

Wasn't an issue before when disconnecting and rejoining - even after hours of being idle between disconnect and joining.

Server restarted due to Windows update - When the server came back on and I loaded up my world - my original space ship reset and all of my items and everything was floating around in space. When i stopped the server and restarted it again, everything was still the same, just minus the items.

Looked into the file system to see if there was a backup file like all of the other servers I've played and experienced. Was not able to find anything at all, doesn't seem much of a backup measure in place to run every couple hours. Might want to look into something like that for this pack in order to prevent issues like this from happening again.

Lastly - I looked into the logs and did not find anything to be of "out of the ordinary" for the logs. I can attach those logs if needed.