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FluxCapacitor (Basic) recipe #122

Open JuliusLongmind opened 3 years ago

JuliusLongmind commented 3 years ago


FluxCapacitor (Basic) can be built with only one type(Galacticraft Core) of tin ingot which is not available. I'm trying to fix it with modifying recipes.zs ...


ppozniak commented 3 years ago

Also found the issue. @JuliusLongmind did you manage to solve the issue?

Tyc1Up commented 3 years ago

Same for me...

Edit: Got a pseudo-fix. you can craft any Tin ore into Tin Canisters and then smel those into the Galacticraft Tin ingots. Problem is that it is 7 anyTin Ingot for 3 Glacticraft Tin. But I got the flux capacitor so meh.