NFINIT-Labs / AstroBlock

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Redstone furnace makes infected charcoal #71

Open reportingbug opened 4 years ago

reportingbug commented 4 years ago

Playing v 1.1.31. Multiplayer with self hosted server. The redstone furnace was correctly producing charcoal from normal oak logs. Is now producing infected charcoal from normal oak logs. Possible this was triggered after using the Astro Miner, however it seems this also needed a restart to kick in as an issue. I believe the redstone furnace was correctly producing charcoal after initially using the Astro Miner, but after logging out & shutting down the server for the night & then restart & log in today, the redstone furnace is now producing infected charcoal from normal oak logs. We have tried picking up the Astro Miner (& the base for it), then breaking & replacing redstone furnace. This does not fix the issue.

reportingbug commented 4 years ago

Further to this... One player of two (let's call this player2) sees a recipe for the redstone furnace (page 48 of the redstone furnce recipes, and in looking up recipes for infected coal) which gives infected coal as a result of oak logs (any logWood). The other player (player1) does not see this redstone furnace recipe, only a recipe for normal charcoal (also page 48), with the same inputs. (and if searches for recipes for infected coal, only sees normal furnace recipe from infected logs.)

We were able to create a workaround by player1 picking up the redstone furnace, both logging out, stopping the server & restarting. Player1 then placed the redstone furnace, and it again correctly creates charcoal. (The Astro Miner & Base had been picked up & were not in the world for this workaround.)

Please note, player2 placed the Astro Miner base and Astor Miner originally, player1 has not placed any blocks or items in relation to the Astro Miner. (Player1 has accessed the inventory of the miner base, but no placing of anything relating to the miner.)

LocoMinerDad commented 4 years ago

I am playing on single player. I dont have the astro miner thing and the redstone furnace is making infected charcoal from regular oak logs

hm343 commented 3 years ago

Can confirm that I am having this issue as well in the latest version 1.2.3 playing in single player. I do not have an astrominer. Had a charcoal farm working fine for a while, but now only produces infected charcoal. Trying to replace the furnace and restarting have not had any affect.

MBfromOK commented 3 years ago

I ran into this with Astroblock-2 1.7.2 as well, worked fine and then quit, I originally tried to fix the recipe by removing and readding it with CraftTweaker GUI & CraftingTable but it didn't work (or I did it wrong).

I eventually settled for an Arc Furnace (which still works)

I did make an AstroMiner, but I believe this broke way before that.