NFTsTv / Broadcastr

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Player controls don't appear on Opensea on mobile #41

Open chrishobcroft opened 1 year ago

chrishobcroft commented 1 year ago

I load up e.g. this livestream NFT in Firefox/DuckDuckGo browser on Android.

I tap to view a recorded stream, which opens successfully. It also successfully loads

But then (unexpected behaviour), I cannot unmute, and the player controls are unavailable to me. I can tap the video to pause/play, but that's all. The same happens with live content.

I expect to be able to unmute in all use cases - this is non-negotiable. I don't need to be able to skip fwd / back for the livestream (not until there is ability to skip back). I also don't need to be able to skip fwd / back for recorded content, this is only a "nice to have".

Works fine on Rarible and NFTScan: image image

It is probably an issue that OpenSea will need to fix, but maybe we can help them (and others) to fix things, so that we can distribute content EVERYWHERE lol