NG-ZORRO / ng-zorro-antd

Angular UI Component Library based on Ant Design
MIT License
8.81k stars 3.85k forks source link

NG-ZORRO Users Research #1142

Open vthinkxie opened 6 years ago

vthinkxie commented 6 years ago

We appreciate your support if you or your organization is using NG-ZORRO. You are welcome to leave replies about your product and organization here, which could become the confidence of maintainers, communication and undecided watchers.

Recommended reply format:

- Product:
- Company or Organization: (if any)
- Link: (if any)
- Screenshot: (if any)

如果您和您的公司或组织使用了 NG-ZORRO ,非常感谢您的支持,欢迎留下公司或产品名,您的回复将成为维护者、社区用户和观望者的信心来源。

在不泄露信息的前提下,建议把截图晒一晒~ 无关回复将会定期删除


- 产品:
- 公司或组织:(如果可以)
- 链接:(如果可以)
- 截图:(如果可以)
HuangFuQuang commented 5 years ago
  • 产品:餐饮后台系统
  • 公司或组织:深圳有好软件
  • 链接:(还未上线,内测中)
  • 截图: image
916422 commented 5 years ago

产品:睿客网 公司或组织:个人技术博客 链接: 截图:VOfQ1S.png

donbeave commented 5 years ago


First of all, thank you guys for such an amazing product! We are switching to NG ZORRO for our all internal web applications and some Electron-based desktop apps.

Some news related to our company:

It will be nice to see our company in the "Users" list.

Best regards, Alexey Zhokhov, VP of Engineering.

Ricbet commented 4 years ago

首先很感谢 NG-ZORRO ! 这是我用来仿墨刀的项目,用户体验上正在向 Photoshop 看齐,使用了 NG-ZORRO 之后颜值也高了不少 😉

boboyoucan commented 4 years ago

产品:W空间 公司或组织:个人技术博客 链接: 截图: image image

abhishek-aa commented 4 years ago
lonelywm commented 4 years ago

产品:PaperDecode 公司或组织:智能单元(知乎专栏) 链接: 截图: NG-ZORRO是目前能找到的最棒的开源UI框架~~~ PaperDecode是一个论文在线阅读批注平台。 主页 论文

olivewind commented 4 years ago

产品:智能 RPA, IDPS(文档智能审阅系统),盘古(企业级搜索平台),VOC(客户意见洞察系统),后裔(智能推荐引擎)... 公司或组织:达观数据(DataGrand) 链接: 截图:

达观数据是一家总部位于上海的专注于文本智能处理的高科技企业,凭借优秀的技术实力、行业潜力与科技创新精神,连续两年被评为“全球三十大最佳AI创业公司,也是国内唯一一家将自动语义分析技术应用于企业数据化运营的人工智能公司,目前已经完成 2.7 亿的 B+ 轮融资。

感谢 NG-ZORRO 团队的辛苦付出,我们可以在多个产品中选用如此优秀的基础组件库作为我们的产品开发的基石,它极大提升了我们的开发效率。

很希望可以在‘用户列表’中看到‘达观数据’,目前我们有 40+ 位专业的工程师组成的前端团队,同时依然在积极邀请优秀的前端工程师加入,我们也将积极努力回馈社区,谢谢,祝好~

feimm commented 4 years ago

产品:微信一物一码系统 公司或组织:深圳市青瓜体育文化科技有限公司 链接: 截图: WeChat8dce97c2a50d4942d0d893cfc4746bdf

aldhamdy commented 4 years ago
jun-tech commented 4 years ago

产品:基于ng-zorro-antd模板系统 公司或组织:个人 链接: github:

Devas9 commented 4 years ago
Devas9 commented 4 years ago

产品:云南大学研究生答辩管理系统 公司或组织:云南大学 链接: 截图: image image image

iaosee commented 4 years ago




evilbdef commented 4 years ago
vthinkxie commented 4 years ago


实时计算 (Alibaba Cloud RealtimeCompute,Powered by Ververica) 是阿里云基于 Apache Flink 构建的企业级实时大数据计算商业产品。实时计算 Flink 由 Apache Flink 创始团队官方出品,拥有全球统一商业化品牌,提供全系列产品矩阵,完全兼容开源 Flink API,并充分基于强大的阿里云平台提供云原生的 Flink 商业增值能力。


vthinkxie commented 4 years ago

阿里云 ECS

云服务器 ECS(Elastic Compute Service)是一种弹性可伸缩的计算服务,助您降低 IT 成本,提升运维效率,使您更专注于核心业务创新。 image

trungvose commented 4 years ago

Angular Jira Clone

Alexzjt commented 3 years ago
baisui1981 commented 3 years ago
mikedevatos commented 3 years ago


haoolii commented 3 years ago




想请问大老, 图表及渐层是ngzorro提供的吗? 还是使用g6相关的图表呢? 太强了啊!

iaosee commented 3 years ago

2020-04-07-135512 2020-04-07-135548 2020-04-07-135710

想请问大老, 图表及渐层是ngzorro提供的吗? 还是使用g6相关的图表呢? 太强了啊!

NG-ZORRO 库本身没有图表, 图表库我们使用的是 Highcharts 这套,前面两张图用的是 Canvas 绘的。 不要乱叫哈,不是大佬 😅

haoolii commented 3 years ago

2020-04-07-135512 2020-04-07-135548 2020-04-07-135710

想请问大老, 图表及渐层是ngzorro提供的吗? 还是使用g6相关的图表呢? 太强了啊!

NG-ZORRO 库本身没有图表, 图表库我们使用的是 Highcharts 这套,前面两张图用的是 Canvas 绘的。 不要乱叫哈,不是大佬 😅

哈,仍然很驚嘆是大老!之前徒手D3做圖表,總覺得自己硬幹都不太穩定,原來highChart這麼猛! 還是很驚嘆啊!!!!!!!!!

iaosee commented 3 years ago

2020-04-07-135512 2020-04-07-135548 2020-04-07-135710

想请问大老, 图表及渐层是ngzorro提供的吗? 还是使用g6相关的图表呢? 太强了啊!

NG-ZORRO 库本身没有图表, 图表库我们使用的是 Highcharts 这套,前面两张图用的是 Canvas 绘的。 不要乱叫哈,不是大佬 😅

哈,仍然很驚嘆是大老!之前徒手D3做圖表,總覺得自己硬幹都不太穩定,原來highChart這麼猛! 還是很驚嘆啊!!!!!!!!!

@unnhao 哈哈,用 D3 是真的很猛!

llkui commented 3 years ago
cjwangd commented 3 years ago
luver225 commented 3 years ago
xiaohuilam commented 2 years ago





AliKalkandelen commented 2 years ago
martani commented 2 years ago


zaeoonCompany commented 2 years ago
huajian123 commented 2 years ago


微信图片_20220118213149 微信图片_20220118213253 微信图片_20220118213359

HuangFuQuang commented 2 years ago

谢谢亲呐 (^-^)么么哒我已经收到啦

javiaa commented 2 years ago

Product:Online diary / Social network Company or Organization: minspirits Link: Screenshot:




HuangFuQuang commented 2 years ago

谢谢亲呐 (^-^)么么哒我已经收到啦

shimingxy commented 2 years ago

产品:MaxKey 公司或组织:Dromara 链接:

HuangFuQuang commented 2 years ago

谢谢亲呐 (^-^)么么哒我已经收到啦

lopn commented 1 year ago
HuangFuQuang commented 1 year ago

谢谢亲呐 (^-^)么么哒我已经收到啦

tomsun28 commented 1 year ago
2023-01-09 12 07 57
HuangFuQuang commented 1 year ago

谢谢亲呐 (^-^)么么哒我已经收到啦

ghost commented 1 year ago

cc: @vthinkxie

cioina commented 1 year ago

An unofficial ng-zorro-antd demo website. The main goal is to explore and learn ng-zorro-antd components and Angular

wojtek1150 commented 1 year ago

I've implemented jsonforms based plugin for ng-zorro so you can use ng-zorro forms with superpowers :) Schema has much more fields, like image upload, or WYSIWYG editor and many more :) Hope you like it

Product: ng-zorro wrapper for json forms Link:

HuangFuQuang commented 1 year ago

谢谢亲呐 (^-^)么么哒我已经收到啦

haseeb4091 commented 1 month ago

I've implemented jsonforms based plugin for ng-zorro so you can use ng-zorro forms with superpowers :) Schema has much more fields, like image upload, or WYSIWYG editor and many more :) Hope you like it

Product: ng-zorro wrapper for json forms Link:

Can we talk? I want to know about this wrapper.

HuangFuQuang commented 1 month ago

谢谢亲呐 (^-^)么么哒我已经收到啦

wojtek1150 commented 1 month ago

I've implemented jsonforms based plugin for ng-zorro so you can use ng-zorro forms with superpowers :) Schema has much more fields, like image upload, or WYSIWYG editor and many more :) Hope you like it Product: ng-zorro wrapper for json forms Link:

Can we talk? I want to know about this wrapper.

Sure, you can email me (mail in profile) if you have questions or ask directly on repository