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Here's the Weekly Digest for NG-ZORRO/ng-zorro-antd:
Last week 43 issues were created. Of these, 17 issues have been closed and 26 issues are still open.
:green_heart: #4238 fix(module:menu): fix StaticInjectorError error after AOT build, by thanhtunguet :green_heart: #4236 It doesn't support angular ivy mode, by justwalk :green_heart: #4233 Tree selector nzNotFoundContent API, by dyx18539489507 :green_heart: #4231 WIP: feat(module: drawer): support closeAll method, by tirelyl :green_heart: #4230 bug(module:affix): affix doesn't work in Chrome, by Svetomechc :green_heart: #4229 fix(module:tooltip): fix properties updated before origin is set, by wendzhue :green_heart: #4227 菜单收缩时,放上鼠标弹出框没做窗口边界检测, by runFP :green_heart: #4225 chore(module:editor): fix types, by wendzhue :green_heart: #4224 drawer: when changing its position it blinks, by wendzhue :green_heart: #4223 drawer: support rendering in a given element, by wendzhue :green_heart: #4221 feat(module:spin): support global indicator, by wendzhue :green_heart: #4219 Node Express server listening on http://localhost:4000 Error: No NgModule metadata found for '[object Object]', by golapdk :green_heart: #4218 docs: support dark theme, by hsuanxyz :green_heart: #4217 chore: optimize vscode experience, by wendzhue :green_heart: #4215 fix(module:auto-complete): not emit changes when retype same value while open, by hsuanxyz :green_heart: #4210 nz-transfer nzTargetKeys usage method, by alasili :green_heart: #4208 feat(module:page-header): new pageheader style and support avatar, by hsuanxyz :green_heart: #4207 refactor(module:date-picker): move class control to host, by wenqi73 :green_heart: #4206 feat(module:core): add humanize module, by wendzhue :green_heart: #4205 Feature request: Virtual scrolling for nz-select, by preethamvishy :green_heart: #4204 Add max tag length input to nz-select, by potray :green_heart: #4203 徽标在多级下拉菜单中不显示, by GoodEvent :green_heart: #4202 nz-tree无法勾选异步传回的数据, by prefects :green_heart: #4200 feature: sider of layout should support 'over' mode, by qiurenbo :green_heart: #4198 Select下的选项使用自定义模板后二次选择选项列表空白, by beihaifeiwu :green_heart: #4197 fix(module:date-picker): delete CSS class name, by wenqi73
:heart: #4239 Update and add translations for de_DE, by gamsterx :heart: #4237 The fixed column of nz-table is not valid on IE, by zmzimpl :heart: #4235 目前ng-zorro不支持angular 8 ivy 模式, by justwalk :heart: #4234 下拉选择z-index优先级较高,导致nz-modal设置nzZIndex参数无效, by hfjAdmin :heart: #4232 Font Awesome Icons (SVG), by whittssg :heart: #4228 fix(module:tooltip): fix properties updated before origin is set, by wendzhue :heart: #4226 submenu 菜单收缩时,移上鼠标,弹出框如果再窗口边界下面,不会做边界检测, by runFP :heart: #4222 --prod build发布后,NzModalService 弹出框无法正常工作, by descartes16 :heart: #4220 refactor: clear unused lifecycle hooks, by hsuanxyz :heart: #4216 input-number 组件格式化BUG, by SuperRichZhao :heart: #4214 启用Angular8的Ivy时,构建失败, by springmarker :heart: #4213 docs: add missing API for tree and tree-select, by hsuanxyz :heart: #4212 TreeSelect can custom the content of select template, by tirelyl :heart: #4211 release(8.3.1): release 8.3.1, by wenqi73 :heart: #4209 When uploading, I want to replace the selected file., by playkang :heart: #4201 NzProgress could't fan out, by Adalake :heart: #4199 docs: fix sitemap hreflang, by hsuanxyz
:+1: #4204 Add max tag length input to nz-select, by potray It received :+1: x3, :smile: x0, :tada: x0 and :heart: x0.
:speaker: #4201 NzProgress could't fan out, by Adalake It received 4 comments.
Last week, 20 pull requests were created, updated or merged.
Last week, 14 pull requests were updated. :yellow_heart: #4238 fix(module:menu): fix StaticInjectorError error after AOT build, by thanhtunguet :yellow_heart: #4229 fix(module:tooltip): fix properties updated before origin is set, by wendzhue :yellow_heart: #4225 chore(module:editor): fix types, by wendzhue :yellow_heart: #4221 feat(module:spin): support global indicator, by wendzhue :yellow_heart: #4218 docs: support dark theme, by hsuanxyz :yellow_heart: #4217 chore: optimize vscode experience, by wendzhue :yellow_heart: #4215 fix(module:auto-complete): not emit changes when retype same value while open, by hsuanxyz :yellow_heart: #4208 feat(module:page-header): new pageheader style and support avatar, by hsuanxyz :yellow_heart: #4207 refactor(module:date-picker): move class control to host, by wenqi73 :yellow_heart: #4206 feat(module:core): add humanize module, by wendzhue :yellow_heart: #4197 fix(module:date-picker): delete CSS class name, by wenqi73 :yellow_heart: #4196 chore: sync ant-design v3.23.4, by ng-zorro-bot :yellow_heart: #4062 feat(module:g2): add g2 component, by wendzhue :yellow_heart: #3947 perf(module:tree): change the collapsed of the treeNode to ngIf, by qqabcv520
Last week, 6 pull requests were merged. :purple_heart: #4211 release(8.3.1): release 8.3.1, by wenqi73 :purple_heart: #4199 docs: fix sitemap hreflang, by hsuanxyz :purple_heart: #4195 chore: change error description of dorpdown api, by tirelyl :purple_heart: #4163 fix(module:i18n): add fallback mechanism, by wendzhue :purple_heart: #4146 fix(module:date-picker): optimized interaction by using input box, by wenqi73 :purple_heart: #4077 refactor(module:core): move pipes to a new module to share them, by wendzhue
Last week there were 7 commits. :hammer_and_wrench: release(8.3.1): release 8.3.1 (#4211) by wenqi73 :hammer_and_wrench: chore: update by vthinkxie :hammer_and_wrench: [fix(module:date-picker): optimized interaction by using input box (#4146) * fix(module:date-picker): input value change should trigger panel change
chore: update
fix: test
fix: enter on nzShowTime
chore: delete comment
fix: resultOk can set value from input
fix: wrong generic
fix: resolve review comment]( by wenqi73 :hammer_and_wrench: docs: fix sitemap hreflang (#4199) by hsuanxyz :hammer_and_wrench: refactor(module:core): move pipes to a new module to share them (#4077) by wendzhue :hammer_and_wrench: [fix(module:i18n): add fallback mechanism (#4163) * test: refactor i18n test and add fallback test case
fix: use empty object as fallback]( by wendzhue :hammer_and_wrench: chore: change error description of dorpdown api (#4195) by tirelyl
Last week there were 5 contributors. :bust_in_silhouette: wenqi73 :bust_in_silhouette: vthinkxie :bust_in_silhouette: hsuanxyz :bust_in_silhouette: wendzhue :bust_in_silhouette: tirelyl
Last week there were 27 stagazers. :star: WinChance :star: chendye :star: rrye :star: qifei2012 :star: randyberks :star: yaoxiantong :star: wangjunjian0801 :star: junxie6 :star: MrZc :star: yang22zhang :star: yidao620c :star: hc-codersatlas :star: pistachioL :star: Zuse-zs :star: dengfuqiu :star: gmkgmk :star: alasili :star: yudar1024 :star: mhasan71 :star: DualeH :star: BubbleLeaf :star: forkjs :star: moJiXiang :star: zl63 :star: YaoaY :star: FreezinG117 :star: chengxulvtu You all are the stars! :star2:
Last week there was 1 release. :rocket: 8.3.1 8.3.1
That's all for last week, please :eyes: Watch and :star: Star the repository NG-ZORRO/ng-zorro-antd to receive next weekly updates. :smiley:
You can also view all Weekly Digests by clicking here.