Since the release of Angular 12, the version 12 has been downloaded nearly 200k times. And ng-zorro-antd has been downloaded nearly 36k times since then.
The latest version of ng-zorro-antd (11.4.2) has issues with the active release of Angular (12.0.0-12.0.5) for more than a month.
Ng-zorro-antd should catch up to newer versions of Angular quicker than it does now. Otherwise this leads to couple of big issues:
Problem 1:
Users of ng-zorro-antd cannot upgrade Angular to the latest version. They have to schedule testing Angular upgrades for later on, accumulating technical debt.
Problem 2:
New users of Angular who try to use ng-zorro-antd will face issues till there is a compatible version. They will start building their projects without ng-zorro-antd, which means no new users for 1-2 months till ng-zorro-antd has a compatible version.
What does the proposed API look like?
Angular releases major version every 6 months, the 'next' version is released 3-4 months before the final version.
Ng-zorro could have quicker catch-up time, if it matches development with Angular's next versions.
Maybe there could be a 'next' branch in ng-zorro-antd project so that issues with the newer Angular version can be caught and fixed sooner.
This will also have a lesser wait time, and pressure on developers as compared to now.
What problem does this feature solve?
Since the release of Angular 12, the version 12 has been downloaded nearly 200k times. And ng-zorro-antd has been downloaded nearly 36k times since then.
The latest version of ng-zorro-antd (11.4.2) has issues with the active release of Angular (12.0.0-12.0.5) for more than a month.
Ng-zorro-antd should catch up to newer versions of Angular quicker than it does now. Otherwise this leads to couple of big issues:
Problem 1:
Users of ng-zorro-antd cannot upgrade Angular to the latest version. They have to schedule testing Angular upgrades for later on, accumulating technical debt.
Problem 2:
New users of Angular who try to use ng-zorro-antd will face issues till there is a compatible version. They will start building their projects without ng-zorro-antd, which means no new users for 1-2 months till ng-zorro-antd has a compatible version.
What does the proposed API look like?
Angular releases major version every 6 months, the 'next' version is released 3-4 months before the final version.
Ng-zorro could have quicker catch-up time, if it matches development with Angular's next versions.
Maybe there could be a 'next' branch in ng-zorro-antd project so that issues with the newer Angular version can be caught and fixed sooner.
This will also have a lesser wait time, and pressure on developers as compared to now.