NG-ZORRO / ng-zorro-antd

Angular UI Component Library based on Ant Design
MIT License
8.8k stars 3.85k forks source link


Open simplejason opened 1 year ago

simplejason commented 1 year ago

NG-ZORRO-ANTD 目前升级至 V15 后,还有许多特性需要支持和完善,这里将列出组件库需要支持的功能内容和用户关心的需求列表,将在后续版本中尽快支持,今年也会努力扩大社区同学的参与度

Currently, after upgrading to V15, there are still many features that NG-ZORRO-ANTD needs to support and improve. Here is a list of the functional content and user requirements that we need to support, which will be supported as soon as possible in future versions. We will also strive to expand the participation of the community students this year.

santoshyadavdev commented 10 months ago

I see no tasks to improve code samples to support the Standalone component approach. I tried to use the menu component in my last stream, and I have some ideas about updating the docs. Should I create a new issue? Or can we add more in this issue for docs and code samples?

HarryPitsillides commented 9 months ago

Do we have any update in regards to Synchronization with antd styles(less vs Css-in-js)?

HyperLife1119 commented 7 months ago

我想我们应该尽快完成 antd v4 的样式同步,已经有很长一段时间没进行同步了: 目前已同步到 v4.20.6,最新的是 v4.24.14

@OriginRing @simplejason