NG-ZORRO / ng-zorro-antd

Angular UI Component Library based on Ant Design
MIT License
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Customize CSS variables via LESS #7904

Open Nosfistis opened 1 year ago

Nosfistis commented 1 year ago

Reproduction link

Steps to reproduce

Import the variable.less file in my theme.less:

@import '../node_modules/ng-zorro-antd/ng-zorro-antd.variable.less';

@primary-color: green;

What is expected?

The primary color of the theme should be green.

What is actually happening?

The ng-zorro blue color remains

Environment Info
ng-zorro-antd 15.1.0
Browser Chrome

The variable theme seems to be using @base-primary. Setting @base-primary: green; also does nothing.

I am not sure why there is a discrepancy in variable names between ng-zorro modes. Still, I do not get why the CSS variable is not updated using the @base-primary color.

Laffery commented 1 year ago

Have you already read about the official document about customize theme?

You can customize less variables in your entry less file like this:

// -------- import official less file -----------
@import "../node_modules/ng-zorro-antd/ng-zorro-antd.less";

// -------- override less variables -----------
@primary-color: #f5222d;
Nosfistis commented 1 year ago

Indeed I currently follow the LESS customization way.

However, I would like to use LESS for variables and mixins, but avoid turning my entire database into LESS, and leverage the more standard CSS variables approach in each component.

Therefore, my question is about using the dynamic theme and customize the colors via LESS. In short, import the LESS version of the CSS variables theme in my theme.less file, change variable values, set it as global stylesheet in my app, and use these CSS variables in each component without the need to import any file.

Bagestan commented 1 year ago

Any update?

I'm facing the same problem, color changing only works with "!important"

nicolaric commented 8 months ago

Any update?

I'm facing the same problem.