NGCP / xbeeplus

Cross-Platform C++11 Xbee Radio API
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Transmitting Images #29

Open LucasYoung opened 6 years ago

LucasYoung commented 6 years ago

xbeeplus currently supports sending data in the format of strings. Implement a function in TransmitRequest.cpp that takes an image as an argument. Then, implement a function in ReceivePacket.cpp that can decode the image received.

Prerequisite knowledge will be understanding how xbeeplus sends and transmits strings so that you can build upon it. This means understanding the entirety of the C++ library.

You will need to research the radio itself, which is an xbee pro 900, along with the DigiMesh protocol that it uses. This is because an image is usually a large amount of data, and I don't know if the radio can support sending an image in a single frame. If it can't, then you'll have to figure out sending the image in parts, so it can be sent in installments with multiple frames.

You will also need to determine a format for the image to be stored in C++. You will likely have to import an external library. Whichever one you use is up to you. The only guideline is to not use OpenCV Mat to be the format of the image, or any library of similar size. Perhaps look at

LucasYoung commented 6 years ago

@michaeltran3599 You can split this project up into two parts. Sending the image, and decoding the image when you receive it. You'll have until 6/16 to finish the first half, sending the image.