NGEET / fates

repository for the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)
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Check units and descriptions for site-level variables #1042

Open adrifoster opened 1 year ago

adrifoster commented 1 year ago

In looking at pulling the fates site type into its own module, I noticed that the units and descriptions for many of the site-level mortality diagnostics vary quite a lot and are sometimes contradictory.

For example, for the code below the term_carbonflux_canopy and _ustory say "per canopy level", but I think they should be just for canopy and understory? The imort_carbonflux says it is "per year" but then the units say "/sec", etc.

     real(r8), allocatable :: term_carbonflux_canopy(:)  ! carbon flux from live to dead pools associated 
                                                         ! with termination mortality, per canopy level. [kgC/ha/day]
     real(r8), allocatable :: term_carbonflux_ustory(:)  ! carbon flux from live to dead pools associated 
                                                         ! with termination mortality, per canopy level.  [kgC/ha/day]    
     real(r8), allocatable :: imort_carbonflux(:)  ! biomass of individuals killed due to impact mortality per year. [kgC/m2/sec]
     real(r8), allocatable :: fmort_carbonflux_canopy(:) ! biomass of canopy indivs killed due to fire per year. [gC/m2/sec]
     real(r8), allocatable :: fmort_carbonflux_ustory(:) ! biomass of understory indivs killed due to fire per year [gC/m2/sec] 

Also, it seems like all of the _crownarea mortality diagnostics are never updated, though they are used in the history outputs.

Does anyone have insights on this?

rgknox commented 1 year ago

If we make a call to update the history fields before we split and fuse patches from disturbance, I'm pretty sure we don't actually need these fields (at least not all of them). I think they are just there to remember these rates without them getting messed with during the patch re-distribution process. It would be nice to actually get rid of these, that my long-term 2c.

adrifoster commented 1 year ago

Oh so you mean all of these diagnostics? (almost all?)