NGEET / fates

repository for the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)
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separate the host parameters file from the fates parameter file #155

Closed bandre-ucar closed 7 years ago

bandre-ucar commented 7 years ago

Summary of Issue:

Separate the host parameters file from the fates parameter file.

Requirements or design considerations:


rgknox commented 7 years ago

@bandre-ucar and I checked in on this. I will work on generating the first dedicated fates netcdf file. After that generating the host-fates api and the pre-processor are orthogonal units of work.

rgknox commented 7 years ago

Here is the current list of FATES parameters that are pulled from the parameter file.

The parameters are associated with four different structures:

    pftcon%    These are CLM PFT parameters that FATES is also using)

    EDParamsShareInst%    These are also pft parameters, and only two of them, and they also seem to be used in fates and CLM)

    EDecophyscon%   These are FATES only PFT variables

    ED_val_      These are not in a structure, they just have this name convention.  They are mostly single parameter values, although one of them is pft indexed.

Variable List: (broken into groups, and after each variable it lists the files it is called from) Variable name in file is in quotes

    EDSharedParamsMod (defined in biogeochem/EDSharedParamsMod.F90)
        EDParamsShareInst%Q10   "q10_mr"
        EDParamsShareInst%froz_q10  "froz_q10"
     EDparamsMod  (defined in main/EDParamsMod.F90:)
          ED_val_grass_spread "grass_spread"
          ED_val_comp_excln   "comp_excln"
         ED_val_stress_mort  "stress_mort"
          ED_val_dispersal "dispersal"
               (NOT USED)
          ED_val_grperc(maxPft)  "grperc"
          ED_val_maxspread  "maxspread"
          ED_val_minspread "minspread"
          ED_val_init_litter "init_litter"
               ./main/EDRestVectorMod.F90:  (THIS SEEMS UNNECESSARY)
          ED_val_nfires "nfires"
          ED_val_understorey_death "understorey_death"
          ED_val_profile_tol "profile_tol"
               (NOT USED)
          ED_val_ag_biomass "ag_biomass"
     EDEcophysConType  (./main/EDEcophysConType.F90:)
          EDecophyscon%max_dbh "max_dbh"
          EDecophyscon%freezetol "freezetol"
               (NOT USED?)
          EDecophyscon%wood_density "wood_density"
          EDecophyscon%alpha_stem "alpha_stem"
               (NOT USED?)
          EDecophyscon%hgt_min "hgt_min"
          EDecophyscon%cushion "cushion"
          EDecophyscon%leaf_stor_priority "leaf_stor_priority"
          EDecophyscon%leafwatermax "leafwatermax"
               (NOT USED?)
          EDecophyscon%rootresist "rootresist"
               (NOT USED?)
          EDecophyscon%soilbeta "soilbeta"
               (NOT USED?)
          EDecophyscon%crown "crown"
          EDecophyscon%bark_scaler "bark_scaler"
          EDecophyscon%crown_kill "crown_kill"
          EDecophyscon%initd "initd"
          EDecophyscon%sd_mort "sd_mort"
               (NOT USED?)
          EDecophyscon%seed_rain  "seed_rain"
          EDecophyscon%BB_slope  "BB_slope"
          EDecophyscon%root_long  "root_long"
          EDecophyscon%seed_alloc  "seed_alloc"
          EDecophyscon%clone_alloc  "clone_alloc"
          EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio  "sapwood_ratio"
          pftcon%woody  "woody"
          pftcon%season_decid  "season_decid"
          pftcon%stress_decid  "stress_decid"
          pftcon%evergreen "evergreen"
          pftcon%froot_leaf "froot_leaf"
          pftcon%slatop "slatop"
          pftcon%leaf_long "leaf_long"
          pftcon%rootprof_beta "rootprof_beta"
          pftcon%roota_par "roota_par"
          pftcon%rootb_par "rootb_par"
          pftcon%lf_flab  "lf_flab"
          pftcon%lf_fcel  "lf_fcel"
          pftcon%lf_flig   "lf_flig"
          pftcon%fr_flab  "fr_flab"
          pftcon%fr_fcel  "fr_fcel"
          pftcon%fr_flig  "fr_flig"
          pftcon%rhol    "rholvis"  AND "rholnir"
          pftcon%rhos  "rhosvis" AND "rhosnir"
          pftcon%taul    "taulvis"  AND "taulnir"
          pftcon%taus   "tausvis"  AND "tausnir"
          pftcon%xl  "xl"
          pftcon%c3psn  "c3psn"
          pftcon%flnr  "flnr"
          pftcon%fnitr "fnitr"   CHANGE TO VCMAX25!!!!!
          pftcon%leafcn  "leafcn"
          pftcon%frootcn  "frootcn"
          pftcon%smpsc  "smpsc"
          pftcon%smpso  "smpso"
rgknox commented 7 years ago

I uploaded three files involved in creating a stand-alone netcdf file. Aside from the script and the list (explained below), you need the base netcdf parameter file ( and nco installed on your computer. Specifically, you need the "ncks" binary that is part of that package.

This file is a bash script that loops through a list of variables that are copied from the default hlm-fates parameter file, into the stand-alone fates parameter file.

This file is the parameter name list that is read from the bash script (second argument).

This is the result netcdf file I generated from the above mentioned script and transfer list.