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repository for the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)
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Change plant PV curve when cold acclimated (HYDRO WRF TFS) #796

Open mariuslam opened 3 years ago

mariuslam commented 3 years ago

Hello Fates Hydro folks,

Following the discussions from the biweekly meeting presentation, I am trying to change the plant water retention function as I think would be most realistic in cases where plant water gets viscous/glassy/frozen as it cold acclimates. When plants acquire freezing tolerance they typically regulate ice nucleation, by synthetizing antifreeze proteins such as dehydrins and flavonoids which bind water and decrease the water potential in plant tissues.

With Rosie's help I succeeded in getting daily updates in the wrf_tfs subroutines. Now I am wondering how to pull down the curves by using the (Hardiness_factor) so that a water content would be associated to a lower water potential when the plant is cold acclimated. (Using the Unit testing python code) Here are some points I am trying to work on. If some of you already know it might greatly help me go forward. Any other tips are appreciated too. I thought about changing these variables depending on the cold tolerance: 1) "pinot" (osmotic potential at full turgor) 2) "epsil" (bulk elastic modulus) 3) "rwcft" (total RWC @ which elastic drainage begins) 4) "rwccap" (total RWC @ which capillary reserves are exhausted)

Where do the default values come from?

Best regards, Marius PV

mariuslam commented 3 years ago

Hi, Can anyone confirm that the absorbing root and leaves were shifted in the python pv curve testing unit ? theta_sat = [0.55,0.65,0.65,0.75] #ref theta_sat = [0.60,0.75,0.65,0.65] #marius changed theta_res = [0.15,0.16,0.21,0.11] #ref theta_res = [0.15,0.11,0.21,0.16] #marius changed @rgknox ? Cheers