Implemented code till:
1) Gateway to hrp of consent/notify : as a suggestion code for @atulai-sg since already implemented consentService
2) POST method /on-notify after validating the respective careContexts.
3) Gateway to hrp of health-information/hip/on-request and storing them in db
4) POST method /on-request
pending POST method wrapper to the facility for the request of FHIR bundle
After receiving the bundle from facility make a POST request to ABDM gateway
Implemented code till: 1) Gateway to hrp of consent/notify : as a suggestion code for @atulai-sg since already implemented consentService 2) POST method /on-notify after validating the respective careContexts. 3) Gateway to hrp of health-information/hip/on-request and storing them in db 4) POST method /on-request