NHMDenmark / DanSpecify

Important files regarding the Danish instance of the Specify database system for collections digitisation and management, plus placeholder for issue tracking. Guidelines, manuals and other kinds of documentations will be gathered on the wiki.
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Import of Coleoptera collection Batch 01 (Water beetles) from Palle Jørum Collection #104

Open DanBIF opened 2 years ago

DanBIF commented 2 years ago

Task: Check datafile from Palle if it is ready for Astrid to perform an import through Specify7 Workbench

Background info: Data: coleoptera_filled_template_IC-04-10-2021-vandkalve mv.xlsx

Based on template, see #94

See mapping template https://github.com/NHMDenmark/DanSpecify/issues/94#issuecomment-900311019

Details on data 20211101: Så er jeg færdig med vandkalvene. Alle individer som jeg har doneret til museet er forsynet med museets label og lagt i regnearket, både dem der fysisk befinder sig på museet og dem, jeg har som referencesamling herhjemme. De sidste er markeret, i særskilt kolonne, som udlånt til mig. Vedhæftet har du et ark hvor kun vandkalve m.v. er medtaget – derfor nogle ”huller” i forhold til det totale Excel-ark, jeg fik af dig (det øvrige er skjult). Medtaget er flg.familier:

Sphaeriusidae (kun 1 art) Gyrinidae (hvirvlere, 11 (10) arter) Haliplidae (vandtrædere, 18 arter) Noteridae (kun 2 arter) Dytiscidae (vandkalve, ca. 118 arter)

Under kolonnen ”Location remarks” er anført: noget andet eller noget uddybende i forhold til dét der er angivet i regnearket, fx 181 (885178) Skodsbøl – Loc.Rem: Teglværk 211 (885208) Gjøl-Øland Dæmningen. – Loc.Rem: Gøldæmningen 598 (885596) Birkemose, Læsø. – Loc.Rem: PJ15 accepteres ikke som UTM grid cell. Lokaliteten optræder flere gange, så problemet er tilbagevendende.

Jeg er gået i gang med løbebillerne (fam Carabidae), men det kommer til at tage nogen tid.

Palle Jørum Robert Jacobsens Vej 72.4.3 2300 København S

palle.joerum@gmail.com 61 86 03 53

DanBIF commented 2 years ago

@FedorSteeman Ready for Monday :-)

FedorSteeman commented 2 years ago

Answering by mail seems to be working for me now too! 😀

FedorSteeman commented 2 years ago

All looks fine now! Attempting import into production database.

FedorSteeman commented 2 years ago

Initiated import into production after catalog nr issues was resolved. It has been proceeding well now, about 2/5ths done, but hit another snag with a strange error message: The database throws a Constraint Violation.

DanBIF commented 2 years ago

Is there anything I can do to help?

FedorSteeman commented 2 years ago

No, it seems to be something Specify-specific... Heh.

FedorSteeman commented 2 years ago

It appears related to a handful of catalogue numbers already having been taken at some time in the past in a different collection.

The rest can be imported fine, so we'd need to fund a solution for these 32 at a later stage. Normally overlap in catalog numbers is not an issue between collections. It may simply work if I enter Palle's 32 manually.

<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">

CatalogNumber | TimestampCreated | CollectionName | FullName -- | -- | -- | -- 899000 | 13-07-2021 11:42 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899001 | 13-07-2021 11:44 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899002 | 13-07-2021 11:48 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899003 | 13-07-2021 12:11 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899004 | 13-07-2021 12:17 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899005 | 13-07-2021 12:28 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899006 | 13-07-2021 12:37 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899007 | 13-07-2021 14:08 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899008 | 13-07-2021 14:21 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899009 | 13-07-2021 14:47 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899010 | 14-07-2021 09:39 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899011 | 14-07-2021 09:41 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899012 | 14-07-2021 09:44 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899013 | 14-07-2021 09:45 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899014 | 14-07-2021 09:47 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899015 | 14-07-2021 09:48 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899016 | 14-07-2021 09:50 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899017 | 14-07-2021 09:51 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899018 | 14-07-2021 09:52 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899019 | 14-07-2021 09:54 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899020 | 14-07-2021 09:55 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899021 | 14-07-2021 09:56 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899022 | 14-07-2021 10:20 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899023 | 14-07-2021 10:21 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899024 | 14-07-2021 10:22 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899025 | 14-07-2021 10:23 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899026 | 14-07-2021 10:24 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899027 | 14-07-2021 10:25 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899028 | 14-07-2021 10:27 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899029 | 14-07-2021 10:28 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899030 | 14-07-2021 10:30 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899031 | 14-07-2021 10:31 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major

FedorSteeman commented 2 years ago

It's actually 69 instances:

<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">

CatalogNumber | TimestampCreated | CollectionName | FullName -- | -- | -- | -- 899000 | 13-07-2021 11:42 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899001 | 13-07-2021 11:44 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899002 | 13-07-2021 11:48 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899003 | 13-07-2021 12:11 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899004 | 13-07-2021 12:17 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899005 | 13-07-2021 12:28 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899006 | 13-07-2021 12:37 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899007 | 13-07-2021 14:08 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899008 | 13-07-2021 14:21 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899009 | 13-07-2021 14:47 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 899010 | 14-07-2021 09:39 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899011 | 14-07-2021 09:41 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899012 | 14-07-2021 09:44 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899013 | 14-07-2021 09:45 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899014 | 14-07-2021 09:47 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899015 | 14-07-2021 09:48 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899016 | 14-07-2021 09:50 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899017 | 14-07-2021 09:51 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899018 | 14-07-2021 09:52 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899019 | 14-07-2021 09:54 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899020 | 14-07-2021 09:55 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899021 | 14-07-2021 09:56 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899022 | 14-07-2021 10:20 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899023 | 14-07-2021 10:21 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899024 | 14-07-2021 10:22 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899025 | 14-07-2021 10:23 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899026 | 14-07-2021 10:24 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899027 | 14-07-2021 10:25 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899028 | 14-07-2021 10:27 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899029 | 14-07-2021 10:28 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899030 | 14-07-2021 10:30 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 899031 | 14-07-2021 10:31 | NHMD Ornithology | Parus major 902826 | 14-07-2021 05:52 | NHMD Invertebrate Zoology | Lamellaria latens 903715 | 14-07-2021 06:17 | NHMD Invertebrate Zoology | Lamellaria latens 906000 | 14-07-2021 08:24 | NHMD Invertebrate Zoology | Lamellaria perspicua 906001 | 15-07-2021 11:21 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 906002 | 15-07-2021 12:07 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 906003 | 15-07-2021 12:21 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 906004 | 15-07-2021 12:30 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 906005 | 15-07-2021 12:39 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 906006 | 15-07-2021 14:20 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 906007 | 15-07-2021 14:23 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913000 | 16-07-2021 09:45 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913001 | 16-07-2021 09:51 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913002 | 16-07-2021 10:02 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913003 | 16-07-2021 10:03 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913004 | 16-07-2021 10:03 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913005 | 16-07-2021 10:04 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913006 | 16-07-2021 10:05 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913007 | 16-07-2021 10:07 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913008 | 16-07-2021 10:08 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913009 | 16-07-2021 10:14 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913010 | 16-07-2021 11:29 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913011 | 16-07-2021 11:38 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913012 | 16-07-2021 11:53 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913013 | 16-07-2021 12:01 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913014 | 16-07-2021 12:04 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913015 | 16-07-2021 12:06 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913016 | 16-07-2021 12:07 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913017 | 16-07-2021 12:11 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913018 | 16-07-2021 12:14 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913019 | 16-07-2021 12:16 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913020 | 16-07-2021 12:24 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinus 913021 | 16-07-2021 12:44 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus peregrinator 913022 | 16-07-2021 14:12 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus calidus 913023 | 16-07-2021 14:16 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus calidus 913024 | 16-07-2021 14:16 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus calidus 913025 | 16-07-2021 14:17 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus calidus 913026 | 16-07-2021 14:19 | NHMD Ornithology | Falco peregrinus calidus

FedorSteeman commented 2 years ago

In total 30001 - 68 = 29932 of Palle Jørum's specimens have been added to the database.

FedorSteeman commented 2 years ago

OK, so it turned out that only a bit over 1000 records actually contained data. The rest were dummies in the original template. 😅

I unpublished the dummies and now all of Palle's entries can be seen here

I will also ask @Andersillum whether he left out the catalog numbers already taken from the labels he printed for Palle, so then all we need to do is remove these from the template and send it to Palle.

FedorSteeman commented 2 years ago

Although Anders did not leave out any of the overlapping numbers, Isabel will contact Palle with a new template with the numbers removed. Alternatively we could re-assign the 69 specimens in question.

DanBIF commented 2 years ago

I have been with Palle and removed the overlapping numbers from his file (I did not give a new filecopy, as Palle had already moved on with adding many new specimens in his own file). I have infomed Anders I. too, so that his list for printing for Palle is correct.

DanBIF commented 2 years ago

Palles recordings can be seen on GBIF here (thank you Fedor!): https://www.gbif.org/occurrence/map?dataset_key=98ad226c-5e10-4ef5-ae9d-4ff3a5585a93&recorded_by=J%C3%B8rum,%20Palle,%20J%C3%B8rum&recorded_by=J%C3%B8rum,%20Palle&recorded_by=J%C3%B8rum,%20P,%20J%C3%B8rum&advanced=1