NHMDenmark / Pinned-Insects-workstation

Work on the Pinned Insects workstation and workflow for mass digitisation in Denmark (DaSSCo)
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(3) Request long run of barcode numbers from Specify team, create barcode labels, print and cut #81

Open chelseagraham opened 2 months ago

chelseagraham commented 2 months ago

We are nearing the end of our second series of barcode numbers (1715666 to 1725665).

Prepare the next series of barcode labels for Pyralidae etc. digitization.

(As with https://github.com/NHMDenmark/Pinned-Insects-workstation/issues/62 and https://github.com/NHMDenmark/Pinned-Insects-workstation/issues/67)

chelseagraham commented 2 months ago

Chelsea requested another 10.000 numbers from the Specify team.

chelseagraham commented 2 months ago

Specify assigned the run 1732708 to 1742707 for this project.

chelseagraham commented 2 months ago

@Gomismis Please generate the labels and split them into 5 pdfs to post here (just as last time).

Gomismis commented 2 months ago

Here are the new labels: 1_1732708-1734723.pdf 2_1734724-1736739.pdf 3_1736740-1738755.pdf 4_1736756-1740771.pdf 5_1740772-1742703.pdf

chelseagraham commented 2 months ago

@RebekkaML @JesperMJensen @nms419 @AstridBVW will you please monitor the situation and prepare some labels for the lepidoptera digitization ahead of when they will be needed? Please continue to update this ticket when you have prepared labels.

AstridBVW commented 2 months ago

I have printed the labels from 1_1732708-1734723.pdf (with help from Anders and someone else's printer). I will see if I have time to cut them all (I'm digitising today) but if not, I will leave the rest in 411.

EDIT: I only had time to cut the first page, the remaining two are on the table behind the laptop.

RebekkaML commented 1 month ago

I just cut the third page, the second was already cut.

JesperMJensen commented 1 month ago

Apologies, I cut the second page on Tuesday, 14/5.

RebekkaML commented 1 month ago

I printed the next PDF, 2_1734724-1736739. I cut the first sheet of it and put the others into the cupboard in 411.

RebekkaML commented 1 month ago

I also cut the other two sheets of PDF Nr. 2, 1735396-1736739.

JesperMJensen commented 3 weeks ago

I have printed the next PDF: 3_1736740-1738755 and I will place it in the cupboard in 411.

AstridBVW commented 3 weeks ago

I have cut the first page of PDF3.

AstridBVW commented 2 weeks ago

I have now also cut the second page of PDF3. This is the second time in a row I have had to use my digitisation-time to cut labels because I was running out. I think we need a better system for who prints and cuts and when it is done so that we always have more cut labels available while digitising.

chelseagraham commented 2 weeks ago

I have asked Digitizers who do not have digitization time scheduled tomorrow after the section and team meetings to cut some labels. I have also suggested a schedule for one Digitizer to take ownership of the labels on odd weeks in July and one in August. We can discuss this in our team meeting.

JesperMJensen commented 1 week ago

Sara and I have printed the remaining pfd's (4 and 5) and will put them in the locker in 411. They are labelled Moths 1-6. The alignment on some of them is not perfect, so please keep this in mind. They were printed with the exact same settings on Laura Pavesis printer, so it might be an issue when they are generated.

nms419 commented 1 week ago

The third page of PDF3 has also been cut and placed by PIOF0001.

JesperMJensen commented 5 days ago

All 3 pages of PDF4 has been cut and placed in the locker in 411. Labels for the remaining dung beetles have been cut and placed by PIOF0002.