NHMDenmark / Pinned-Insects-workstation

Work on the Pinned Insects workstation and workflow for mass digitisation in Denmark (DaSSCo)
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ALICE Development - Workstation/Workflow: create a working set-up for 7 Canons and entomoloGUI #95

Closed chelseagraham closed 2 weeks ago

chelseagraham commented 1 month ago

Produce a fully working set up for all Canons that meets as many requirements as we can right now with entomoloGUI (but is not expected to meet all, but it is still functional) by 15th August.

chelseagraham commented 1 month ago

6 August AM Alice Development, ZM Room 411

Focus: Insect Camera Locations, Configurations, Considerations

Danish Beetle FOV = 3.6 cm x 2.4 cm Focal Distance = 281 mm (measured from camera sensor Φ to focal plane)

Experimenting with a focal plane raised 80 mm from the base of the copy stand (insect pinned into stack of seven 10 mm thick pieces of foam, with focal plane raised 10 mm from this stage - to mimic the height the focal plane could have using the rail and tray system at WORKPIOF0001 and WORKPIOF0002). To achieve focal distance of 281 mm with this set-up, Dorsal camera set at 29.7 cm on the copy stand and Lateral camera raised 50 mm from the copy stand base with foam and cardboard.


Prelim images from insect cameras taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings


M 1/10 F9 ISO 100 Image

M 1/8 F9 ISO 100 Image


M 1/10 F9 ISO 100 Image

M 1/8 F9 ISO 100 Image

Think about a guide for the focal plane. Can see if a physical guide is possible once label cameras are situated.

chelseagraham commented 1 month ago

6 August PM Alice Development, ZM Room 411

Focus: Label Camera Locations, Configurations, Considerations

Experimenting with configuration of Canon cameras for labels in Canon EOS Utility.

Bottom Left-hand Corner Canon 5D (Asset 0056), 24-70mm lens (Asset 0058) Raised c. 250 mm from the copy stand base to the middle of the bottom back of the camera Tilted c. 45 degrees toward the subject on a clamp with a ball bearing and foam. Focal distance = 460 mm (measured from camera sensor Φ to focal plane) Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 Image

Top Left-hand Corner Canon R5 (Asset 0215), 100 mm lens (Asset 0214) Raised c. 250 mm from the copy stand base to the middle of the bottom back of the camera Tilted c. 45 degrees toward the subject on a clamp with a ball bearing and foam. Focal distance = 490 mm (measured from camera sensor Φ to focal plane) Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 Image

Top Right-hand Corner Canon R5 (Asset 0218), 100 mm lens (Asset 0217) Raised c. 250 mm from the copy stand base to the middle of the bottom back of the camera Tilted c. 45 degrees toward the subject on a clamp with a ball bearing and foam. Focal distance = 460 mm (measured from camera sensor Φ to focal plane) Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 Image

Bottom Right-hand Corner Canon R5 (Asset 0063), 100 mm lens (Asset 0059) Raised c. 250 mm from the copy stand base to the middle of the bottom back of the camera Tilted c. 45 degrees toward the subject on a clamp with a ball bearing and foam. Focal distance = 480 mm (measured from camera sensor Φ to focal plane) Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 Image

Prelim configuration Overhead Image

Front Image

Experimenting with control of Canon cameras for labels in entomoloGUI


Difficult to establish focus with small view for camera. Cameras all needed re-focusing after turning off.

Experienced issues establishing connection, maintaining connection, re-establishing connection with 0063 and 0218.




Even after seeming to connect 0063 and 0218 after a lot of finagling, 0063 fails to take picture when firing.

Couldn't close by clicking the red circle in the top left-hand corner. Needed to Force Quit python in order to close entomoloGUI.

chelseagraham commented 1 month ago

9 August AM Alice Development, ZM & ZM Room 411

Focus: Sourcing and Implementing in-house options for camera support

Looked in: Room 249 Room 411 Room 429 3 Depots Visionary Digital Lab Floor 1 NW Corridor/workspace Floor 1 SE Corridor/workspace Floor 2 NW Corridor/workspace Floor 2 SE Corridor/workspace Floor 3 NW Corridor/workspace Floor 3 SE Corridor/workspace Floor 4 NW Corridor/workspace Floor 4 SE Corridor/workspace

Sourced: 2 Kaiser 5560 Lamp Arms (Assets 0067, 0068) 2 Kupo Convi Clamps (Assets 0141, 0142) borrowed from Lamps


Bottom Right-hand Corner Canon R5 (Asset 0063), 100 mm lens (Asset 0059) 1/ Raised c. 250 mm from the copy stand base to the middle of the bottom back of the camera Tilted c. 45 degrees toward the subject via clip-clamp and ball bearing from Snake on 2 Kaiser 5560 Lamp Arms Focal distance not measured IMG_7649

Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 IMG_0001 Experienced many errors (Error 70) and as a result: turned on and off, changed battery, changed card from SD to CF Express Impression: Not sturdy enough to hold camera and lens without supervision

2/ Raised c. 250 mm from the copy stand base to the middle of the bottom back of the camera Tilted c. 45 degrees toward the subject via Kupo Convi Clamps as well as the pin and ball bearing from Snake on 2 Kaiser 5560 Lamp Arms Focal distance = 400 mm (measured from camera sensor Φ to focal plane) IMG_7650

Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 IMG_0002 Continued to experience Error 70 Impression: More sturdy support for the camera, but absolutely requires a pin that is more secure for the clamp in the long term

Bottom Left-hand Corner

3/ Canon 5D (Asset 0056), 24-70mm lens (Asset 0058) Raised c. 250 mm from the copy stand base to the middle of the bottom back of the camera Tilted c. 45 degrees toward the subject via Kupo Convi Clamps as well as the pin and ball bearing from Snake on 2 Kaiser 5560 Lamp Arms Focal distance = 425 mm (measured from camera sensor Φ to focal plane) IMG_7661

Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 IMG_0003 Impression: Could be moved a little closer without impinging on space designated for specimen rails

4/ Canon 5D (Asset 0056), 24-70mm lens (Asset 0058) Raised c. 250 mm from the copy stand base to the middle of the bottom back of the camera Tilted c. 45 degrees toward the subject via Kupo Convi Clamps as well as the pin and ball bearing from Snake on 2 Kaiser 5560 Lamp Arms Focal distance = 400 mm (measured from camera sensor Φ to focal plane) Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 IMG_0004 Impression: Improvement with change in position.

IMG_7662 IMG_7665

Afterward: Found 2 Kupo Convi Clamps (Assets 0033, 0034), so lamps can be replaced

Follow-ups: Found that at Priorparken there are 2 Kaiser 5560 Lamp Arms (Assets 0099, 0100) and 3 Kupo Convi Clamps (Assets NA) Will need to fetch from Priorparken for use next week These arms and clamps can provide the opportunity to affix the top cameras and the barcode camera. The lateral specimen camera will remain on a box support.

chelseagraham commented 4 weeks ago

12 August AM Focus: fetch 2 Kaiser 5560 Lamp Arms (Assets 0099, 0100) and 3 Kupo Convi Clamps (Assets NA)

12 August PM Focus: Implement in-house options for camera support and refine locations

Re-installed lamps Installed additional lamp arms Re-centered FOV to center of copystand Refined camera locations

Top Left-hand Corner Canon R5 (Asset 0215), 100 mm lens (Asset 0214) Raised c. 200 mm from the copy stand base to the middle of the bottom back of the camera Tilted c. 45 degrees toward the subject via clip-clamp and ball bearing from Snake on 2 Kaiser 5560 Lamp Arms Focal distance = 415 mm (measured from camera sensor Φ to focal plane) Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 IMG_0002

Top Right-hand Corner Canon R5 (Asset 0218), 100 mm lens (Asset 0217) Raised c. 200 mm from the copy stand base to the middle of the bottom back of the camera Tilted c. 45 degrees toward the subject via clip-clamp and ball bearing from Snake on 2 Kaiser 5560 Lamp Arms Focal distance = 415 mm (measured from camera sensor Φ to focal plane) Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 IMG_0001

Bottom Right-hand Corner Canon R5 (Asset 0063), 100 mm lens (Asset 0059) Raised c. 200 mm from the copy stand base to the middle of the bottom back of the camera Tilted c. 45 degrees toward the subject via clip-clamp and ball bearing from Snake on 2 Kaiser 5560 Lamp Arms Focal distance = 405 mm (measured from camera sensor Φ to focal plane) Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 IMG_0003 Experienced many errors (Error 70) and as a result: turned on and off, changed battery, added back SD card in addition to CF Express card and reformatted both, reset camera settings

Bottom Left-hand Corner Canon 5D (Asset 0056), 24-70mm lens (Asset 0058) Raised c. 200 mm from the copy stand base to the middle of the bottom back of the camera Tilted c. 45 degrees toward the subject via clip-clamp and ball bearing from Snake on 2 Kaiser 5560 Lamp Arms Focal distance = 410 mm (measured from camera sensor Φ to focal plane) Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 IMG_0004

Dorsal Canon R5 (Asset 0042), 100 mm lens (Asset 0044) Raised c. 297 mm from the copy stand base on column Extended 1.9 cm on copy stand arm Focal distance = 281 mm (measured from camera sensor Φ to focal plane) Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 IMG_0005

Lateral Canon R5 (Asset 0041), 100 mm lens (Asset 0045) Raised c. 50 mm from the copy stand base on box Focal distance = 281 mm (measured from camera sensor Φ to focal plane) Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 IMG_0006

Barcode Canon 5D (Asset 0024), 24-70mm lens (Asset 0023) Difficult to place on current supports, so specifics of location not recorded Prelim image taken via Canon EOS Utility with the following settings M 1/10 F8 ISO 100 IMG_0007

Barcode: IMG_7670

Set-Up: IMG_7668


chelseagraham commented 4 weeks ago

14 August AM

Focus: Experiment with entomoloGUI

Was able to successfully obtain images from 2 runs, with a lot of resetting in-between. 0218 gave issues most frequently. Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 11 54 23 Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 11 58 54

Was not able to run the setting that mimic the digitizer and takes images every 20 seconds for 30 minutes. 0063 and 0218 failed.

14 August PM

Focus: Image Danish Beetle specimens from camera locations established on 12 August

via Canon EOS Utility


Dorsal 0042 IMG_0002 Lateral 0041 IMG_0003 Bottom left 0056 IMG_0007 Bottom right 0063 IMG_0005 Top Left 0215 IMG_0006 Top Right 0218 IMG_0004


Dorsal 0042 IMG_0002 Lateral 0041 IMG_0003 Bottom left 0056 IMG_0007 Bottom right 0063 IMG_0005 Top Left 0215 IMG_0002 Top Right 0218 IMG_0004


Dorsal 0042 IMG_0002 Lateral 0041 IMG_0003 Bottom left 0056 IMG_0007 Bottom right 0063 IMG_0001 copy Top Left 0215 IMG_0006 Top Right 0218 IMG_0004

Via entomoloGUI


Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 16 40 36

Experiencing an issue opening the raw files from entomoloGUI on my Mac Error Message:

Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 18 16 16


CONNECTIVITY Connectivity is still an issue, especially with entomoloGUI, for multiple cameras.It is not feasible to turn cameras on and off multiple times and re-establish focus, etc. in order to get a run of the entomoloGUI. One of the cameras often gives an error (Error 70) and may require service.

FOCUSING Focusing the cameras manually with entomoloGUI is very challenging. It is necessary to establish the focus every time after a camera has been turned on, and some times when the Canons have been reinitialized in the software. With Canon cameras, we need a way to control the camera in order to remotely establish the focus for all cameras individually at the beginning of a session. We will not be able to access all of the lenses and should have minimal contact with the cameras once they are installed.

TURNING THE CAMERAS ON It would be advantageous if we can find a way to turn on all of the cameras with a switch instead of touching each camera.

POWER All cameras will require AC power Adapters or a USB cable that charges the battery.

STAGE The height of the foam stage is made to mimic the height of a sledge on runners. We need to 3D print a new stage for this set-up without an angle and with the barber brush and pinhole in the correct spot.

LABELS Labels were spaced with a standard entomological tool for the images taken on the afternoon of 14 August. With this spacing, it is possible to capture both the top two labels, if they are of similar size. There is 1 mm between the focal plane (insect) and the base of the stage (in this case, foam). As we have observed, there may be some cases where the insect is pinned at an difficult height on the pin or there are too many labels to fit in this distance as they have been spaced. This can be discussed with the Entomology group.

chelseagraham commented 4 weeks ago

Images from these posts can be found on the N:/ drive here N:/SCI-SNM-DigitalCollections/DaSSCo/Pilot Data/Pinned Insects Working Data/ALICE/Chels_Canon_202408