NHSDigital / Code-System-Browsers

NHS Digital code system browser development
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Update Mauro SDO #117

Open PaulChapmanPM opened 2 years ago

PaulChapmanPM commented 2 years ago

The SDO needs updating as follows:

Slides 2 and 3: Paul to review and update Slide 4: Paul to replace with something less confusing to those not involved in its creation. NB: Slides 3 and 4 should collectively explain why we are presenting, what problem we are solving, and high-level how we are going about it.#

D.O.D. SDO updated as above, shared with the group, and agreed as fit for purpose.

PaulChapmanPM commented 2 years ago

Updated and shared with the original group for comment. Located in Antares team room in https://hscic365.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/ProjectAntares/Shared%20Documents/General/WS%20-%20Mauro/Service%20Transition?csf=1&web=1&e=kVRoob

Further progress blocked, awaiting feedback.