NHSDigital / DataDictionaryPublication

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Document the technical architecture of the end to end Mauro environment, including additional NHS England-developed components. #367

Open PaulChapmanPM opened 2 years ago

PaulChapmanPM commented 2 years ago

This ticket has been formed by combining tickets #272, #278 and #306

Definition of done:

PaulChapmanPM commented 2 years ago

Latest update: The team have met to review existing documentation.

The SDO needs updating as follows:

  1. Slides 2 and 3: Paul to review and update
  2. Slide 4: Paul to replace with something less confusing to those not involved in its creation. NB: Slides 3 and 4 should collectively explain why we are presenting, what problem we are solving and high-level how we are going about it.
  3. Slide 5: @COX, Bob (NHS DIGITAL) to arrange for it to be replaced with a draft technical high-level design. If scribe support is required, please speak to Paul. It’s noted that any first draft will be incomplete as there are known gaps as the final architectural solution is still evolving as we resolve problems.
  4. New Slide (6): New process diagram required to explain how Mauro interacts with the satellite components developed for the Data Dictionary instance. @COX, Bob (NHS DIGITAL) to speak to David B to get his support then David, @CHILCOTT, Cath (NHS DIGITAL)/@FAULDING, Angela (NHS DIGITAL) to develop the new slide


  1. We do not currently believe that any KADs are required, but will review when we have a first draft of the documentation above.
GSChandel commented 2 years ago

David Burden is assigned to work on the diag. of DD publication. Bob C.is working on this with Paul C.

PaulChapmanPM commented 2 years ago

Thanks for updating this. By the way I checked with Bob whether he wanted allocating to the ticket and he said he’d manage his team’s activities via their board, so no need to allocate him (in case you were wondering)


rajabr58 commented 2 years ago

Jira ticket - https://nhsd-jira.digital.nhs.uk/browse/DPNDA-324

AngelaFaulding commented 2 years ago

31/1/22 - Call with David, Cath and Angie. David to investigate and will arrange another call once he has something to share.

rajabr58 commented 2 years ago

David is in the process of updating the "MK1" diagram that presented to Bob and the developers last week - suspect there will be many iterations

AngelaFaulding commented 2 years ago

25/2/22 - I have a chat with David this week to help him understand our publishing process and the links between Mauro, the Orchestrator and the DD Release Manager.

rajabr58 commented 2 years ago

David still working on this - hopefully will have in a state fit to send to Cath and Angela tomorrow - and will then be setting up a walk through with them.

AngelaFaulding commented 2 years ago

4/3/22 - meeting with David, Cath and Angie. David will update the diagram to address comments made.

AngelaFaulding commented 2 years ago

Meeting planned for 9/3/22 with Solution Assurance to discuss DRAFT Mauro Data Dictionary Assurance Approach.

PaulChapmanPM commented 2 years ago

My actions from 26 Jan: Slides 2 and 3: Paul to review and update Slide 4: Paul to replace with something less confusing to those not involved in its creation. NB: Slides 3 and 4 should collectively explain why we are presenting, what problem we are solving and high-level how we are going about it. Update: I've made some changes to slides 2, 3 and 4 in the attached version. I'll share this with invitees of the original meeting that was held NHS DSA Tech Debt Overview Standards and Compliance (PC).pptx on 24 January for comment, but anyone else with a view, I'll be really happy to take on board any thoughts.

AngelaFaulding commented 2 years ago

10/3/22 - Meeting held with Solution Assurance 9/3/22. DRAFT Mauro Data Dictionary Assurance Approach discussed, they will update it with our comments. They will add the assurance approach and risk log in: https://hscic365.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/MetadataCatalogue/Shared%20Documents/Data%20Dictionary%20Upgrade/Assurance?csf=1&web=1&e=gfEG6a

AngelaFaulding commented 2 years ago

10/3/22 - David has updated the diagram. Next review meeting scheduled for 14/3/22.

AngelaFaulding commented 2 years ago

14/3/22 - meeting with David. We didn't have time to go through the diagram fully. David will make changes and arrange another meeting.

rajabr58 commented 2 years ago

David currently adding a few items from last walk through with Cath and Angela - once complete, he will do another walk through. David is hoping to make the updates this week.

AngelaFaulding commented 2 years ago

Meeting held 26/4/22 with David, Cath and Angie. Completed a further walk through and identified further changes that David will make. It was suggested that David meets with Kun (and Angie) to confirm the DDPM outputs.

AngelaFaulding commented 2 years ago

Meeting held 16/05/22 with David, Cath, Angie and Kun. Completed a further walk through now that the DDPM is fully understood. Minor changes identified which David will make and arrange another meeting.

AngelaFaulding commented 2 years ago

Further walk through held 25/5/22. The preview, CR, release and archive sections are now OK. We now need to understand the Terminology Server interactions. Further meeting to be arranged.

AngelaFaulding commented 1 year ago

Data Products have now closed the Jira ticket and advised us that no further work will be done on the diagram. Meeting pencilled in for Cath and I to make minor tweaks that have been identified and create a final version.

AngelaFaulding commented 11 months ago

Approved by TRG. Diagrams still need to be done by the supplier or Data Solutions.