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Retired Item Folders #412

Open AngelaFaulding opened 2 years ago

AngelaFaulding commented 2 years ago

Folders are required for retired items as the retired text will only display on the preview / website.

This has been taken from #269 as the retired text issue has been fixed.

AngelaFaulding commented 2 years ago

In branch CR8000, I retired Radiotherapy Treatment Course. It is showing as retired in Mauro: image It is now not showing in the list of NHS Business Definitions on the preview or in the ""All Items Index"" list:

AngelaFaulding commented 2 years ago

Issue is still outstanding. As part of another test I retired another item and it isn't showing as retired in the Orchestrator.

AngelaFaulding commented 3 months ago

We need to discuss how this is done and whether Attribute Terminologies and Data Element Codesets need a retired folder

pjmonks commented 3 months ago

I've been reviewing the notes on what we've discussed about this. I think the most efficient solution so far is to automatically track when the "Is retired" field is checked/unchecked, then we can make two small adjustments to the item:

  1. Add/remove a "(Retired") suffix to the item label.
  2. Add/remove a classification called something like "Retired items"

By adding a suffix to the label, it will be clear from seeing the name of items whether it is retired or not. This will also be useful when searching for link suggestions when writing descriptions.

The classification is another way of organising items in Mauro. Instead of mapping to a folder structure, the classification acts like a label (much like in GitHub). Viewing a classification allows you to view a full list of items linked to it, this should make it simpler for you to navigate back to retired items and possible unretire them.

AngelaFaulding commented 2 months ago

We need to discuss this. There are 11225 files in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary. Out of those 5312 are retired. Having all files in one place is not ideal.

AngelaFaulding commented 2 months ago

24/06/24 - System C agreed to look unto this.

pjmonks commented 1 month ago

This issue is considered out of scope for System C's current project, so must be revisited under another project.

AngelaFaulding commented 1 month ago

We need a consistent approach for managing retired items within Mauro. Some folders have retired folders and some don't. Who do we need to talk to about this?

We don't know how to retire Attribute Terminologies and Data Element Codesets. This is being raised with Peter next week.

jamesrwelch commented 1 month ago

It is consistent, in that every item has a profile which includes a checkbox to mark an item as retired, and a 'retired date' which can be populated as required.

What you're looking for is a way of hiding the retired items when you don't want to see them. For Elements and Classes you can move them into another DataClass (but this has no bearing on the publication - it's the checkbox that's important). For DataSets there's another folder you can put them in so they're out of the way.

But for other items - in particular Terms in a Terminology, there is no easy way to 'hide' them or move them out of the way - Terminologies don't have any structure. We could perhaps create new terminologies, and get you to move them somewhere when you don't want to see them any more, but this increases the burden on you, and so we need to work out whether it's worth the effort. Do you want, for example, two terminologies for every attribute, plus two terminologies for Business Definitions, Supporting Information, etc? There is no easy solution to this problem.

AngelaFaulding commented 1 month ago

We can talk about this next week.

There doesn't seem to be a tick box for Attribute Terminologies and Data Element Codesets so we are going to ask Peter about that next week.

AngelaFaulding commented 1 month ago

30/07/24 - discuss with Peter re retiring all items.

AngelaFaulding commented 2 weeks ago

20/08/24 - we should now be able to retire all items.

AngelaFaulding commented 2 days ago

James has confirmed that we can create new retired item folders for items that do not already have them.