Open AngelaFaulding opened 2 months ago
@pjmonks - we have spoken to @jamesrwelch about this and he says there is a bug in the Orchestrator, which needs fixing. If an Attribute is retired, it shouldn't display on the Class in the Orchestrator or the live dictionary. Can you fix this please?
How will this display on the Change Request? Will we be able to see that the link has been removed? This is something that is checked on the Change Request review by other members of the team.
I will update this ASAP. To clarify, I will change the Class page so that the Attributes table does not list any retired attributes.
For Change Papers, it will show that the link has been removed. If you think about it, one side of the change will contain a list containing the now retired attribute, then the other side of the change will include the same attribute but not marked as retired. This will then appear as a row deletion.
30/09/24 - Peter has already fixed this. It needs to be deployed and tested.
The fix to this has been deployed to TEST. I have spent a lot of time reviewing the previews/published outputs for retired items to make sure it looks correct when items are retired.
At this point, if an item is retired, that should mean it's link does not appear in another page. Meaning, a retired page link does not appear in:
@pjmonks - please see #591.
I've retired GEOGRAPHIC AREA but the link is still there on POSTCODE. The link on POSTCODE takes you to the retired Class.
I was expecting the Relationship not to appear on the POSTCODE page as you say above "At this point, if an item is retired, that should mean it's link does not appear in another page"
@AngelaFaulding Retired class relationships have been fixed. Looking at CR8009 now, POSTCODE still has a relationship to GEOGRAPHIC AREA:
GEOGRAPHIC AREA is a retired class now:
And the preview of POSTCODE now stops showing GEOGRAPHIC AREA in the relationships:
Angie to check this the preview of CR8009.
The preview is now correct:
pjmonks - I realised what I had done wrong in #552. I was trying to break the link between the Class and the Attribute but actually deleted the Attribute rather than the link.
How do we break the link between the Class and the retired Attribute. This is important. It is bad enough that it doesn't show the Attribute as retired in Mauro
The profile shows it as retired:
It is very confusing that the Attribute doesn't show as retired in the list so could easily be used incorrectly.
However, the main issue is, how do we remove the Attribute / Class link?
The Attribute still shows on the Class but doesn't show as retired.
The link just goes to the retired page.
The dictionary website does not show links to retired items and never should.